Online professional hand-drawn service to turn picture to caricature. Easy to work with. Attention to detail in the caricature drawings. Help your vision turn into a reality!
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
Below you will see caricature examples that we've done for others. It's a great way to see our style, and get an idea how we turn your instruction or story into artwork.
Basically, you need to submit some photos and describe what you want to be doing in this drawing.
For face photo, we strongly suggest you to choose your best loved face expression photo, this is why smiling is always great!
Also, you can have some reference photos to describe the background, house, or car ..etc.
Please can I have the lady in the photo, dressed like Alice in Wonderland sitting at a Mad Hatters Tea party table drinking a cup of tea.revision request
Hi this is fab thanks so much!! Just a small revision in the hair, please can it be a lot darker and just a bit longer as I realised the photo was a little old. Ill email another one. Also if possible can you make her top half a bit more voluptuous? Thanks!!
This will be for my Mother's 80th birthday. I want her zipping down a slide (prefer a curly yellow slide) in a park setting in the fall (sample attached of a park). (Her favorite thing is the Autumn change of colors on the leaves) . Wind whipping her hair. wearing jeans and an Alabama team tshirt (if you are allowed to do that). The three children are her great grandchildren, and should be cheering her on in the caricature. There is one picture of all three children together so you can tell their sizes. The little boy should be dressed as superman. The blonde girl with the blue eyes (she is wearing the light pink dress and you can see her legs in her picture I loaded) should be dressed as Cinderella. The little brown haired girl should be dressed as Tinkerbell. The theme for her party is "You are only as old as you remember you are!" She is the red head in all three wedding photos. Please contact me if you need more information. XXX@XXX.XXX
Head to body ratio 1:1, wolverine pose of second picturerevision request
Can I get the eyes blue, and the sides of my hair has a lot of gray in it. Also can I get the hair shaped a little on top like your wolverine sample. And just a light wolverine beard like the sample as well in a light brown. Thank yourevision request
Looks great, can the head be shrunk some? 1:1 head to body ratio
Police officer on horse back with rifle and stock whip handing from saddle. Only need one horse in picture. Situation was that the town was out of fuel so Garry did his rounds on horseback. Hat can be more cowboy style from other photo. Doesn't need to be in full uniform, just clear enough that his is a police officer. Horse and Garry closer to front of picture. He is retiring after 40 years!revision request
Hi. Looks great! Just a couple minor changes please. The eyes just don't look quite right. On the eye of the left of the picture, can you bring the eyebrow down a bit lower? Also lift the outside corner of the eye a bit so it looks like a "smiling eye"? On the eye on the right of the picture, can you increase the white in the eye? And perhaps a little bit more hair in the beard. Take the colour out of the buildings in the background so that the petrol bowsers are a bit more obvious. That back corner of the picture is just a bit “busy”. Many thanks. :-)revision request
Eyebrow looks better but his right eye (on the left of the picture) needs a bit more of a smile to it please?revision request
Hi, just one more small change. Could you please add in the number "2385" to the badge on the hat. It needs to go where the dark blury line is under the middle circle. Thanks.
Hello. My name's Jason and I'm looking to do a bunch of cartoons here. This would be the first just to try this service out. I want to propose to the beautiful women in these photos (Brittany) and would love an assortment of photos that portrays some of our time together. The photo I supplied initially is of us at a roof top restaurant in Charlotte named "Fahrenheit". At some point I'd love to use all of our photos in some form of a timeline/collage but for now maybe we could approach this with just the cityscape at night w/ the firepit to the left (as a layer?) Hard to see, but I'm wearing a blue shirt and her dress is black w/ silver/white subtle artistic floral-like patterns on the front. Not sure the total resolution of the photo but the higher-res, the better since I'm not certain how I'd like to incorporate this in the end. Feel free to be creative here with the mindset that I'd like this specific shot to have a fun/happy/romantic feel to it. Thanks, Jasonrevision request
This looks amazing! The fire might be too strong/tall. What if it was not as tall and was just behind us and not curving to the side of me. Could you also make our heads just a touch smaller? If our heads are a separate layer, no worries to adjust. Also, if you’ve drawn more to the right/left (possibly more of a horizontal scene) feel free to send w/out cropping that out. If you are able to do that, and/or provide more of a horizontal shot w/ our full bodies, I’d be very grateful.
Both people on the bridge (see pictures attached of Hermitage Bridge, Scotland). Man on one knee proposing with ring to woman who is standing. Background to include the bridge with the vibrant autumn colours and water below. Man to be wearing jeans and a dark casual black winter jacket. Woman to be wearing jeans and a teal coloured knee length winter coat with belt. Both wearing flat walking shoes. Text to say: Engaged 10th October 2015revision request
Can you change the text colour to red please. Can you make the man's jacket all black please. Can you change the woman's coat to red with a belt please.
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
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