Make caricature gift from photos for any occasion. Wonderful to work with. Attention to detail in the caricatures. Help your vision turn into a reality!
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
Below you will see caricature examples that we've done for others. It's a great way to see our style, and get an idea how we turn your instruction or story into artwork.
Basically, you need to submit some photos and describe what you want to be doing in this drawing.
For face photo, we strongly suggest you to choose your best loved face expression photo, this is why smiling is always great!
Also, you can have some reference photos to describe the background, house, or car ..etc.
I need a pose of the two people ready to go scuba diving, as in the third picture I have uploaded. Wearing wetsuits, fins, mask, snorkel, air tank and breathing apparatus. People to be stood on a beach on a paradise island with blue sea with a shark fin. This is a birthday gift, and will be printed.revision request
Hi there, It's looking nice, but could I ask for a couple changes please. Could the man's hair color be made more yellow. It looks a bit grey in the picture currently but should be blond. The hair style should also be a little messier and spikier. Also, could he be given a smile / happier expression. I'll send another picture of him as reference. His head also looks quite separate to the body at the moment. For the woman, could you change the shape of the leg on the right to make her look slimmer. Also, add a silver wedding ring to the ring finger on the hand she is holding out. Thanks you.revision request
Hi there, Sorry, but could I ask for two small changes please. Could you make the man's face look less fat. Could you put the lady's hand back the way it was, as the position looks more natural. Then add the ring to the hand there if you can. It can be subtle, just so we can see it is there. I'll send a picture to give you an idea of what I mean. Thank you, Tristan
Head ratio as close to 1:1 as possible Both in UK police uniform - see attached pics. White shirts, black trousers, black body armour - pic of armour style attached. Note different hats for male/female! Male is 6'1, broad shoulders, female 5'3 and slim, so a bit of height/build difference if possible! Female hair tied back - can't find a pic where she's not messy! Style of pic similar to 'Hot Fuzz' - ie 'tough guy' action-hero cop feel. Posed next to each other similar to the batman pic, but both with arms crossed if possible - as if partners/hero and sidekick. If possible with a Met (London) police car behind as background, again, as in Batman pic. Cheers!revision request
It's really good - the only thing I'd change would be the MP5's at the front - I like the thigh holsters but I think it would look better without the bigger guns across the chest. Is that possible?
This is a group caricature of 10 people as a retirement gift for a team member (the 4th person from the right in the group photo) so she should look a bit special in the group caricature. Can use similar outfit as shown in the group photo. Background should include Janssen logo, and ideally something indicating the group's work - clinical trial innovation (a light bulb image provided), and ideally indicating this is a global team (some members located in the US, some in Belgium).revision request
This looks really great already! Minor requests: 1. Can you switch the position of left lady on top with the right lady at the bottom? 2. Middle lady at bottom hair looks too flat on the right side. 3. Guy on the right should be a little thinner face and look taller; 4. Can you make the top Janssen logo look a little more cartoon-ish, and move to the left side a bit, and add "Clinical Trial Innovation" (our department name, color should be similar to the blue color of the center funnel) on the right side of the logo? Thanks very much!
To be in wedding gown and kilt. Its for a first year anniversary gift. Funny poses perhaps groom flashing his bare bottom to wife like a true Scotsman. Background to be in colourful gardens (vivid colours please similar to bouquet), with racecourse setting in the distance and perhaps couple standing on a wooden bridge over water with a water feature in front. To include text: Happy 1st Wedding Anniversary xxrevision request
Please can you lighten the grooms right eyelid similar to that of the left as it looks like he is wearing dark eyeshadow. Can you remove the xx's after the word 'Anniversary' and change the text colour to perhaps black or a royal blue. Can the flowers in the garden section be more varied/multicoloured rather than just pink and yellow. Lastly, can the fence behind the bride and groom be the same colour as the bridge. Otherwise looks great, love the work. Thanks so much
Superman flying into out of space carrying batgirl (without her mask) request
Could you put the superman logo on his suit rather than the A and make her skin tone a little darker
this is a father's day gift for my dad. in the picture are my parents and daughter. so i want a caricature of the grandparents and granddaughter. it is the baby's first father's day this year.revision request
1-please fill in missing tooth on grandpa. 2-please fix grandma's stray hair. Make neater. 3-grandma's jaw is a little too wide. Can u make her look a little better but still look like her? I can attach another picture of her as needed. 4-can u put all 3 of them in a hot air balloon? I want a little background. Too plain. 5-instead of Father's Day, please change to Happy Father's Day 2013. Thank you.revision request
I think everything else looks great except grandpa. I can't quite put my finger on it but it doesn't really look like him. Is it the smile? Can u use the 2nd picture that I emailed to see if I will look better?
This will be a birthday gift for the girl with the sunglasses on her head in all the pics. The visual should have both girls smiling while dumpster diving for furniture at the back of a walmart. One girl can be in the dumpster, the other girl can be hanging off the side of the dumpster. Both girls are wearing black fitted T-shirts that say "Susu" in white text. Both girls have long hair (hair color is in photos). The pig and cow from the game "puzzle craft" are sitting on the floor outside the dumpster. The text should say "Happy Birthday Susu!"revision request
This looks awesome! couple of edits though. Can you change the text at the top to say "Happy Birthday Sneaky Ninja Brat!" At the bottom of the art, can you put "These girls are on FIRE!" Can you switch the cow to sit on the chair and the pig to sit on the floor. Can you make the girls face with the black hair a little skinnier and less round. Can you place "2013" somewhere on the visual? Thank you, this is awesome!!revision request
Awesome!!! Can you make the text on the brick wall and dumpster look like it was tagged or spray painted?? Also, can you make the word "fire" look like its on fire? Thank you!
* Occasion: farewell gift for my boss * Pose- Sitting on or leaning against a L shape desk (if possible) with leg crossed * Outfit- dark pencil skirt, pumps, long sleeve, bright color blouse. A classy look. * She should be holding a certificate (w/frame) saying "Best Boss of the Century"
Hi, I'm the room parent for my son's preschool class. I'm in charge of the end of year gift and I'd like to do have a full body caricature done of her. In the picture we'd like to have her wearing a tiara and sash that says "World's Goodest Teecher". I'd like to have a a chalkboard behind her with the children's names scattered around on it, making it specific to their class - there are 13 names - would this be possible? I've listed the names below. We'd like the pic to reflect her personality - she's very sweet and conservative in dress. How long would the turn around be? Thank you for any feedback and suggestions on this. Amy :) 978/XXX-XXX-XXXX Classroom Names: 1. Channing 2. Saanika 3. Evan 4. Jack 5. John 6. William 7. Fetiha 8. Syma 9. Kevin 10. Jordan 11. James 12. Stryker 13. Rileyrevision request
This is SO cute! Just adorable and exactly what I hoped for. Thank you! I just have two minor changes to submit: 1. Could you please change William to: Will 2. I also just wanted to confirm Teacher is spelled "Teecher" on the sash? The letters were too small for me to confirm that detail on the preview and just wanted to confirm with you. Thank you very much and for the quick turn around. We appreciate it so much! Amy :)
This is a Valentine's gift. My boyfriend loves Star Wars. I'd like to recreate an Star Wars Poster. Our characters will be Han Solo and Princess Leia from the Star Wars Return of the Jedi. I want our character to wear the specific outfit from the movie that I submitted. Standing beside each other. Maybe kind of touching shoulders, hand around my waist or any other way. I just want it to look a little romantic but, without ignoring the main theme. I want to look sexy and loving. I want him to look more protective with the gun. I don't want any personal text. Just the title of the movie. I submitted some pictures of the posters background. It doesn't need to look exactly like that. I just don't want it to loose the essence . Dark back ground. As closer you can get it. I know there's a lot of details. What ever suggestion you can give me will be welcome. I have seen your jobs and they are awesome. Thank you so much.
This is a wedding gift, and I would like this to be a caricature of the proposal. I uploaded an example proposal, I like the background of the example (by the water, with a city landscape in the background) and the guy on one knee holding the ring. Please make the ring a round diamond with a white gold band. The groom proposed using a deck of playing cards, and he wrote "will you marry me" on a red 9 of hearts card. I uploaded a picture of the three cards he used, so while he should have the ring box in one hand, his other hand should have those three cards in the order pictured (so a 4 of hearts, then an 8 of hearts, then a 9 of hearts showing the "will you marry me" words). You can make the cards big so they are a focal point of the picture, maybe around the size of their heads or just a little smaller. Outfits can be casual, both guy and girl in a t-shirt and jeans. guy and girl can be posed the same way as the example uploaded. Girl's hair can be casual a
I would like to see these two made out to look like David Letterman and Paul Shaffer on their CBS set, with the bald one as Shaffer, standing behind a keyboard with colored glasses, and the other one as Letterman, behind a desk holding cue cards, with a minor gap added to his front teeth.revision request
This looks really good! The only change that I see that needs to be made is that the gap in the front teeth should be on the "Letterman" character sitting behind the desk, not on the "Shaffer" character standing at the keyboard. Once the gap is removed from the Shaffer character and added to the Letterman one, I think my order will be ready to go. Thanks!
I would like a full body iCartoon of my daughter, it is her 18th birthday, I would like black and gold coloured ballons in the background, I would like a large number 18 included in the background in 3D block numbers, some fireworks exploding in background. I would like her positioned in a seated position in a wide fluted glass wearing a pink party style dress and black heeled shoes. I have included a picture of one of your designs as a starting point.revision request
Can I please have this changed to portrait instead of landscape, with less ballons and the 18 in three dimensional not on blocks, with the fireworks coming of the 18. Thank you Matthew Brown
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
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