We are wonderful to work with. Attention to detail in the caricatures. Help your vision turn into a reality!
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
Below you will see caricature examples that we've done for others. It's a great way to see our style, and get an idea how we turn your instruction or story into artwork.
Basically, you need to submit some photos and describe what you want to be doing in this drawing.
For face photo, we strongly suggest you to choose your best loved face expression photo, this is why smiling is always great!
Also, you can have some reference photos to describe the background, house, or car ..etc.
Please can I have the lady in the photo, dressed like Alice in Wonderland sitting at a Mad Hatters Tea party table drinking a cup of tea.revision request
Hi this is fab thanks so much!! Just a small revision in the hair, please can it be a lot darker and just a bit longer as I realised the photo was a little old. Ill email another one. Also if possible can you make her top half a bit more voluptuous? Thanks!!
Man wearing Blue Toronto Maple Leaf's Jersey, dark blue jeans, sneakers. Woman wearing White Toronto Maple Leaf's Jersey that falls above her knees (so that it looks like a short dress) - bare feet, long wavy hair Man standing with one arm wrapped around Woman's waist. She is standing somewhat similar to the example picture attached -- both arms wrapped around his neck, with one leg kicked out. Playful and sexy. background picture attached: can make it look like a bedroom with large windows
To be in wedding gown and kilt. Its for a first year anniversary gift. Funny poses perhaps groom flashing his bare bottom to wife like a true Scotsman. Background to be in colourful gardens (vivid colours please similar to bouquet), with racecourse setting in the distance and perhaps couple standing on a wooden bridge over water with a water feature in front. To include text: Happy 1st Wedding Anniversary xxrevision request
Please can you lighten the grooms right eyelid similar to that of the left as it looks like he is wearing dark eyeshadow. Can you remove the xx's after the word 'Anniversary' and change the text colour to perhaps black or a royal blue. Can the flowers in the garden section be more varied/multicoloured rather than just pink and yellow. Lastly, can the fence behind the bride and groom be the same colour as the bridge. Otherwise looks great, love the work. Thanks so much
Hi, I'm the girl in this pic. This is for us to put in our destination wedding invites. We're getting married in Riviera Maya, Mexico, and want it to be funny! In addition to the photos of our faces, I've also attached a bad cartoon of Google images, that is kind of what we had in mind for scenery. Basically, we want a beachy background, that lets people know it's a beach in Mexico. We want him holding me in one arm, holding a cocktail in another, wearing a suit and maybe a sombrero. I can be in a normal ivory colored wedding dress (no veil) holding a cocktail or even maracas? Whatever works best, we're open to suggestions! The most recent picture of us is the one wear I'm wearing a blue sweatshirt, he's got glasses hanging on the front of is shirt with the neon sign in the background. However, in the photo, we don't want him to have a beard.revision request
Hi, I just saw the proof for my order, and it looks great, but there are just a couple changes I'd like to request: -The first is my boyfriend's mouth (the guy in the picture) doesn't really look like his when he smiles. Obviously I know this isn't your fault at all, because you don't know him, but I've emailed a couple more photos to see if there's any way we can get it looking more like him. From the nose up it's spot on! -Can you change my eyes (the girl in the pic) to green? I know that was hard to tell in the picture too. -Also, can we have him holding the maracas and me holding the cocktail? We just want to flip flop it. I think these are the only changes we would want! Thank you so much. I emailed more photos under my order number of my boyfriend that may help with his smile.
The subject, Tracy, is an intelligent attractive athletic ER nurse who previously was in special operations in the Air Force. This caricature combines a defining moment in her life with her current profession. Some years ago she was a comm tech in a Huey flying over the jungles of South America when the helicopter came under fire and was struck several times.The door gunner freaked and balled up on the floor. The pilot yelled for cover fire so Tracy grabbed the 50 caliber machine gun and let loose. Pose her standing in the Huey door as seen from the outside, firing the machine gun, looking intense but with a quiet smile, unafraid, dressed in medium blue scrubs with stethoscope around her neck and wearing combat boots. She is a runner and asks that the cartoon reflect her "good thighs".
I want the throne to be made of tires and wrenches (auto repair business) in the style from "game the thrones" Have me sitting on throne in the same style of "game of thrones" picture. In armor (see picture)
Draw my headshot onto the Jennifer Hudson photo. Incorporate the model(Jhud) hair, makeup and headpiece into the drawing.Background doesn't have to be included, but car does.My head size and complexion should reflect my previous pictures(ie 10091,10092). Leave out the gloves and sunglasses and make my nails red.
This is a group caricature of 10 people as a retirement gift for a team member (the 4th person from the right in the group photo) so she should look a bit special in the group caricature. Can use similar outfit as shown in the group photo. Background should include Janssen logo, and ideally something indicating the group's work - clinical trial innovation (a light bulb image provided), and ideally indicating this is a global team (some members located in the US, some in Belgium).revision request
This looks really great already! Minor requests: 1. Can you switch the position of left lady on top with the right lady at the bottom? 2. Middle lady at bottom hair looks too flat on the right side. 3. Guy on the right should be a little thinner face and look taller; 4. Can you make the top Janssen logo look a little more cartoon-ish, and move to the left side a bit, and add "Clinical Trial Innovation" (our department name, color should be similar to the blue color of the center funnel) on the right side of the logo? Thanks very much!
Hello again. This is KARIBU, and we would like her name to be written under her cartoon like clouds if its possible. We would like her on a normal broomstick like a witch. She is a kids comedian and puppet player but her character is a witch. We would love it if the puppet was able to be on her back on the broom stick too...revision request
Thank you very much for your performance and sorry for my late answer I was out of the city... :) I would like little simple changes for this drawing of Karibu: - The Name is KARİBU not KARIBU :) The I has a dot on it... :) - On the orginal picture you can see the character has a black spot on her chin :) - Can you make the puppet holding to the witch(The finger cant be seen of the puppet) - Can you add a few bats around Karibu? - And for last is it possible to add a background colour? Or may be in a circle? Thank you very much...:)revision request
THank you very much for the great job... Can you make the K A R İ B U text closer as KARiBU. ANd for a last try can you put the purple puppet on the witchs hat holding on as same? Thank you very much..
Please find my photos for my caricature. I want to be wearing a blue chambray shirt; denim skirt, red western belt and red cowboy boots. I would like to be leaning, legs crossed, with my back against a sign, with my name rider BELOW the office sign and the SOLD sign above the sign. .revision request
I look better than in real life! I just need a bit of tweaking on that sign. Let's remove my name "Debra Hall" from the sign please. THANK YOU!
Hello. My name's Jason and I'm looking to do a bunch of cartoons here. This would be the first just to try this service out. I want to propose to the beautiful women in these photos (Brittany) and would love an assortment of photos that portrays some of our time together. The photo I supplied initially is of us at a roof top restaurant in Charlotte named "Fahrenheit". At some point I'd love to use all of our photos in some form of a timeline/collage but for now maybe we could approach this with just the cityscape at night w/ the firepit to the left (as a layer?) Hard to see, but I'm wearing a blue shirt and her dress is black w/ silver/white subtle artistic floral-like patterns on the front. Not sure the total resolution of the photo but the higher-res, the better since I'm not certain how I'd like to incorporate this in the end. Feel free to be creative here with the mindset that I'd like this specific shot to have a fun/happy/romantic feel to it. Thanks, Jasonrevision request
This looks amazing! The fire might be too strong/tall. What if it was not as tall and was just behind us and not curving to the side of me. Could you also make our heads just a touch smaller? If our heads are a separate layer, no worries to adjust. Also, if you’ve drawn more to the right/left (possibly more of a horizontal scene) feel free to send w/out cropping that out. If you are able to do that, and/or provide more of a horizontal shot w/ our full bodies, I’d be very grateful.
She loves Harry Potter so could the cartoon have a Harry Potter theme. Also her hair is remarkable, so could you enhance it more than is shown in the photo.revision request
I LOVE it!! But would it be possible to just make her hair curl a little at the ends? Blowing in the wind? Thank you
I submitted photo's for a drawing and would like the same artist to work on both of the imagines. My order ID is: 19466 I want Sean Payton and Rob Ryan in a separate drawing. I want Payton removing money from his pocket and saying "I'll bet the offense ranks better than the defense this year" and Ryan replying "Haven't you learned your lesson". Please let me know if this is possible.revision request
Great Job on the picture, but I have a few things I would like changed. 1. I would like the same or a similar background as Order #19466. 2. I would like Sean Payton to have more money in his pocket and money falling on the ground. 3. I would like Sean Payton and Rob Ryan to have the Headsets on (see photos). 4, I would like Sean Payton to have his pinky finger (smallest finger) out towards Rob Ryan, not his index finger. (It's a sign used for making a bet). 5. I would like one of Rob Ryan's famous play sheets or play cards in mid air. (I want it to look like it fell from his hands) ( I can upload more pictures of this if possible)revision request
Can you make the word bubbles GOLD with black writing?
Would be grateful if you add a bobble hat and a scarf, with a mid blue background. I leave the color and design of the bobble hat and scarf to your more artistic selves :-)revision request
Would it be possible to make the pullover look a bit 'warmer' (thicker) and perhaps dark red?. Many thanks
Hi! I'm wanting to have a color caricature of me with a background for a 50th birthday email invitation. What I have in mind is me ziplining without a helmet as the main focus (I have attached a sample of one with a man (but I'm a woman) I found that I like), and would like one or two alligators below because we're going to zipline over the Alligator Farm in St. Augustine. In one background corner in the distance, I would like the St. Augustine lighthouse (I have attached a couple photos) and in the other corner would like the Bridge of Lions lion (also attached), with water, trees and sky between the two - outdoor scene.revision request
I absolutely LOVE it, but just have a couple change requests! Instead of the little whole gator dancing on the water below me, I'd like to have a couple gator heads coming out of the water (that look threatening). Please look at the illustration on the website here (scroll down to middle of the page) of a gator coming out of the water to give you an idea: http://www.alligatorfarm.com/crocodilecrossing.html Lastly, please change the glass I'm holding. I don't want it to look like a wine glass, but instead a tropical drink splashing out of a long stem tulip glass with an umbrella in it, similar to the picture I sent with the first submission. Otherwise, I am thrilled and my compliments to the artist!! AWESOME JOB!! I will highly recommend this company/website to my friends!! Cindyrevision request
Awesome...love the gators! Just one last "tweek". The splash out of the glass looks like something is sitting on the rim of the glass. Please make it splashing a little away from the glass (like in the first rendering). Thanks so much!revision request
I'm thrilled...much better splash! :) You're going to cuss me, but please take the red liquid off my shoe and we'll be done!! Thank you so much!!
Hello, I would like the person drawn as a zebra. They can be running or prancing, however if the 'head and bust' requirements don't allow for this, am happy for the artist to do what they can to make the person distinctly a happy zebra. No background required please, and could I please have the words: "I pranced around at Jen's baby shower" written on the drawing. Thank you.revision request
The likeness is perfect! I'm just wondering if you could draw the body as a zebra's body, rather than clothes? Thank you so much.
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
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