We can draw anything from your photos. Wonderful to work with. Attention to detail in the drawings. Help your vision turn into a reality!
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
Below you will see caricature examples that we've done for others. It's a great way to see our style, and get an idea how we turn your instruction or story into artwork.
Basically, you need to submit some photos and describe what you want to be doing in this drawing.
For face photo, we strongly suggest you to choose your best loved face expression photo, this is why smiling is always great!
Also, you can have some reference photos to describe the background, house, or car ..etc.
You and the black hair girl whole body theme color. Me with a Jessica rabbit outfit. And black hair girl With a purple corset dressrevision request
There is only 2 things I would like to change 1. The girl With the black hair could you make her nose alittle smaller (I know she has a bigger nose but she will cry lol) 2. Me could u make my hair alittle bit more going over my face and fuller so I don't look like I have a huge forehead cause my forehead is tiny lol. Other than that I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT
I want the throne to be made of tires and wrenches (auto repair business) in the style from "game the thrones" Have me sitting on throne in the same style of "game of thrones" picture. In armor (see picture)
I want my body wearing a black pinstripe suit with a red tie, riding on the wall street bull, down wall street, knocking over a street full of bears, with a wake of $100 dollar bills in the wake. The expression on my face should be similar to a person riding a bull at full tilt. There should be details in the sky scrapers, and body parts of the bears behind the bull. In the picture the bull should be in the immediate foreground lower right, the bulls head pointed down and tilted right a little more exaggerated to the photo with the right horn impacting a rearing bear.revision request
This looks great however, I wanted $100 dollar bills as in currency, paper notes, not a bill you would pay someone. Lastly, if possible can you make the bulls and bears look meaner, less fluffy and nice teady bearrevision request
Remove the cowboy hat and we are good to go, looks great!!!
I'd like a regal look for the pic. With a crown like a King. Just head and bust iCartoon for now please. Thank you.
Draw my headshot(picture 1) on the body of the model in the other picture provided. Make my head the same proportion as the women's head in the original picture. In the black dress picture, give me a sexy smirk on my face and red nail polish.revision request
I want the size of my head the same ratio proportion(normal) as the woman in the original picture. Could you also make my lipstick shade and toenail shade the same color as my fingernails. Thanks
Hello again, This time I need an image for my blog which reviews fitness tech www.fitnology.fitness so I need the image of myself to be in fitness/ gym gear - full body looking muscley and fit and happy :) on the gym vest could my logo be added? I've uploaded below hair down is probably easiest - but possibly with a sweat head band on (unless it conflicts with the ear phones note below ...??) In each hand I would like a fitness gadget (iphone can be one of them looking like I'm on a fitness app? if it's hard to fit on the screen maybe some symbols around it to indicate an app ...) A fitness style watch on one side (chunky and tech looking) ear phones in, and for the other hand a dumbell or similar Thank yourevision request
Hello Looks good, could I have ear phones in though please as on the notes and something clipped onto a belt that looks gadgety (like a pedometer), and less of a forced smile and slimmer jaw .. The head looks a bit big currently. If I could change the shorts to leggings please with a black and white leopard print or similar that'd be great. Sorry I didn't specify that initially .. I'm not sure if this would work but could the fitnology logo fit into the headband? Don't worry if that's not possible Hope that's ok
1. First picture my face and hair 2. Second picture dogs sitting in grass at my feet 3. Third picture wearing full pale pink tulle skirt 4. Fourth photo wearing black and white stripe long sleeve shirt 5. Red high heel shoes with large red bow 6. wearing a crooked or to the side gold lace crown 7. holding variations of pink balloons on strings 8. with one large black balloon in the center 9. standing on green grass lawn 10. in front of the University of Tampa Grande Hotel 11. sunny blue sky with clouds
Face and Hair you've drawn countless times before wearing over-sized fur trapper hat with an actual red-orange fox head and tail that wraps around shoulders wearing black and white design fitted sweater one-piece ski jumpsuit wearing big puffy red MOON BOOTS posed with skis and holding yellow veuve cliquot champagne glass while standing on the slopes with mountains and pine treerevision request
please rework hat length shorter to match picture provided to show more of my hair and remove earrings. I will send email as well other than that ITS AMAZING love the colors
I Would like a Halloween scene in he background (pumpkins haunted house ghosts stuff like that). I want to be dressed like Elvira. Picture included. And the brown dog with a pirate Costume (I sent a different picture with a different dog for a idea) the black dog her ears actually stick up but I can never get a picture with hem she's a Bart with a witch hat (I sent a picture) and the black and white little dog dressed like a bee (I sent a picture of a different dog for a idea) and the white dog as a angel please and thank you very muchrevision request
an you make my hair not as choppy but like this her hair is straight and big I sent picture
Hello, I would like the person drawn as a zebra. They can be running or prancing, however if the 'head and bust' requirements don't allow for this, am happy for the artist to do what they can to make the person distinctly a happy zebra. No background required please, and could I please have the words: "I pranced around at Jen's baby shower" written on the drawing. Thank you.revision request
The likeness is perfect! I'm just wondering if you could draw the body as a zebra's body, rather than clothes? Thank you so much.
So sorry about the obscene gesture haha. My friends want me to make a caricature like this that I will use for online games. Make sure you get the headphones in. I have short wavy blonde hair and blue eyes. If you could make me look more "wild" (leaning back more with crazier eyes and arms angled out) that would be awesome, but not necessary.revision request
That looks awesome, but is there any way you can me make look older? I'm 18. I'm not sure what is giving it the young look but I think it's my shoulders. In real life, my shoulders are very broad and the separation between my traps and chest is very defined (example: http://imgur.com/TQy6VuT).
Both the pose and outfit the same way they appear in the picture that I uploaded but with a light-colored background as opposed to the black background in the picture.revision request
Thank you for your hard work. The only significant issue that I have is the pose, which is too docile for my liking (I seem to collapse somewhat into my chest). In the photo I provided, I am leaning a bit forward into the camera with my rear arm cocked. I'm looking for a similarly confident and engaging pose here. May also want to straighten the tilt in the head a bit given the proportion of the head to the body in the cartoon image.revision request
I don't understand why the pose has been changed drastically from the one I submitted in the picture (which I still want per my last order revision note) to crossing hands which I very rarely do in real life. Kindly revert to the pose that I originally submitted and elaborated on in my 03/35 order revision notes.
Would be grateful if you add a bobble hat and a scarf, with a mid blue background. I leave the color and design of the bobble hat and scarf to your more artistic selves :-)revision request
Would it be possible to make the pullover look a bit 'warmer' (thicker) and perhaps dark red?. Many thanks
head and bust, white background, ok to make my shirt solid blue because the plaid patter might be challenging, can you please return the image as a square that meets twitters guidelines.revision request
well done... just 3 requested revisions... how about a little less smile (to match the picture), can you also adjust my body to match the picture (did not have my hands up) and finally can you adjust the size proportions of my head and body (in this version my head is much bigger than my body). thank you.revision request
in my prior revision request, i asked that my head and body proportion be adjusted to match the picture. can you kindly make this last revision.
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
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