Wonderful to work with. Attention to detail in the caricatures. Help your vision turn into a reality!
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
Below you will see caricature examples that we've done for others. It's a great way to see our style, and get an idea how we turn your instruction or story into artwork.
Basically, you need to submit some photos and describe what you want to be doing in this drawing.
For face photo, we strongly suggest you to choose your best loved face expression photo, this is why smiling is always great!
Also, you can have some reference photos to describe the background, house, or car ..etc.
Real Estate agent and runner, biker, kayaker, horse rider. I'm often seen running or biking through the neighborhoods I work in. I would like to see running woman with brief case in front of house with a "sold" sign in lawn, or no brief case but sign says "sold by barb". My website is www.GetMovingWithBarb.com so I'm tying everything together with this logo. I want it to be obvious I'm a Realtor.revision request
I love the artwork! Is there any way that my website can be added along the bottom? GetMovingWithBarb.comrevision request
Please move web address down a little and make hair slightly darker, then I think we're done! I really love it.
I want him to wear the white and blue color scheme hat but I want that S for Seattle logo on the hat instead of the Lions. I want him to be wearing that white jacket but instead of a black shirt I want it to be a blue shirt to match the color scheme of the shoes and hat. The TOMS shoes will match hat and shirt. Blue jeans with that white belt. I want him to be leaning on car toward the tail end of his baby blue 59 Cadillac Eldorado. Make it sunny and the background are brick buildings.
I am an writer, computer geek who rides a motorcycle and is know for her distinctive grey hair.revision request
Can we add a laptop to the desktop and how can I send you a photo showing my new glasses. They are a different shape.revision request
One minor tweek, the hair is just a bit too perfect. Will send in a couple of photos showing more nuances. Otherwise, I love it!revision request
Sorry, should have noticed this yesterday. I don't use a Mac....can we change that? Otherwise it's great, you got the hair perfectly!
HI, I run a blog called the Brand Detective which reviews gadgets, Tech and new products. I have a logo I use currently but I want a cartoon version for my business cards - I need to have a Magnifying glass in my hand over one eye and possibly a laptop or other gadget in my hand my blog is at www.thebranddetective.com You can see at the top what I use currently so along these ideas but based on the attached image Outfit, casual/ geeky if you need to speak to me i'm on +XXX-XXX-XXXX69 Thankrevision request
Hi, just wondering how long a minor change would take. A smaller nose and slightly lighter hair? Sorry to be pedantic but think it will be fabulous - if these could be done today...? If not then I'll have to use the attached as it needs to be at the printers in 3 hours...thank you
Think Justice League - 1st pic = Superman body should be in center (boss), 2nd pic = WonderWoman body flanking Superman to the right, 3rd pic Green Lantern body flanking Superman to the left, 4th pic Batman flanking WonderWoman, 5th pic Aquaman flanking Green Lantern, 6th pic the Flash, flanking Auqaman, 7th pic Robin flanking Batman, 8th pic Catwoman flanking Robin, serious crime fighting faces, no masks, WW tiara and Cat ears YES!. This is for work so PG13. See some photos below.
I would like to make a Christmas card photo. I would like to incorporate our 4th partner into a new photo with all 4 of us. I would like all 4 of us in winter sweaters or something similar with a winter background of some sort. Snow. Christmas tree. Etc.revision request
Looks good. Can we do something with the guy on the far rights neck? It looks like his head is not connected. Otherwise, can you write "The Lawyers of Lakeman, Peagler, Hollett & Alsobrook" across the bottom?
Please do a head and bust with elf's outfit and Christmas hatrevision request
Please add 2 more head and bust photos ......old order ID 21503 and new photo been added to your site now ( kim barton )
Please draw each person separately. 4 characters from the 4 photographs. We would all like to be a team of Super Hero Swimming instructors! Wearing Black Wetsuits with our Logo on the chest of each wetsuit (colour or white logo is ok - logo uploaded). Superhero poses (All poses to be different.), some with capes, incorporating swimming, goggles on some maybe, splashes, bubbles in background if it looks better (ideas also uploaded) I have attached some ideas of superhero poses in my photo upload.revision request
Brilliant cartoons and you have really captured the images very well. Could you please just make one revision. The lady's hair needs to be curly and slightly longer. No other changes. Many thanks
I Ben, I have another set of 4 Superhero cartoons that I need doing by you wonderful people at Icartoon me. I have attached the photo's for you. Do let me know if everything is ok for you and I look forward to seeing our new Instructor Superhero's! Clairerevision request
These look great. Can you just change the gesture/ position of the top left cartoon ( the one with the glasses). And also move the water up slightly so it look like he is riding he wave more. Thanks
The girl's name is Bar. I just included that pic of her for body type- petite. Feel free to accentuate the big brown eyes she has. The face picture is so you can see features and the one with the bottle is the pose. She is a bartender from Israel extending out a drink to the world. Let me know if any questions. I know Grateful Dead album cover. Just want basically the same thing- her on top of the world with rainbow over. No infringement intended. Thanks!~
Have set up a new business called Bec's Baked Goods so would like a caricature of me baking (with a mixer like the Kitchen Aid). Please advise if this is possible! Have included two photos of me.revision request
What a fabulous job you've done! Just hoping for a few revisions! Please remove red kitchen aid (even though I asked for it!), increase the thickness of the circle to enable business name to be written in between the coloured circle lines in a more rounded font, change circle colour to red, change apron colour to pink and make style more old fashioned (ie frilly edges), add 'Bec' to the right corner of the apron as a nametag, make nose on face slightly narrower in width. Please also send option with business name in a 'banner' across the bottom of the circle. Please advise if this is possible! Thanksrevision request
Hi there, thanks so much :) Is it possible to make some amendments to the 1st option / pic please? If you can increase the circle thickness and make the 'banner' more a part of the picture to see what that looks like? Also not sure if the colour of the banner should be outlined in the same red as the circle or something like that so it ties in with the overall image? At this stage am leaning more towards option 2 however would like to see the changes to option 1 first please. Thanks again, you are very talented!revision request
Hi again! I really like option 2 - is it possible to make the outline of the letters (Bec's Baked Goods) sharper? Or stand out more? It looks as though the lettering on option 3 has a clearer finish (whether it be the letters outlined in a darker colour to finish them off?) Is this possible please? Thanks :)
Creative Directions Please create a cartoon using the provided image in a similar style to that of the Bobby Cleveland cartoon created several months ago All are single images EXCEPT for Jim and Wendy Martin. That should be a cartoon of both of them. All cartoons should be created with the subject wearing the STA-BIL jersey (WITHOUT the ENGINE ANSWERMAN text). A close-up image of the jersey to use is provided. No background is required; white is fine. Please create each with a thumbs-up gesture (as in the Bobby Cleveland example).
Jan showing homes and real estate Background images: Downtown City of Phoenix, Camelback Mountain, golf courses and cacti Howdy Jan (as in howdyjan.com) Jan the successful luxury real estate agent (Idea) Jan creating real estate magic! (Idea) (I've attached an example of a cartoon rebranding that I like the idea of; of course I want mine to be similar but different. my current website is www.paradisevalleyproper.com Thanks, Jan Kabbanirevision request
I think it looks great. I would only add that if you could make the mountain look more like Camelback mountain (with the praying monk). I can send you a photo.
Hi again! Please draw 1st image which I will place before (to the left of) my logo (2nd image). Pregnant lady is wearing black top and yoga pants as in image 1. FYI, if you refer to my order ID: 16815 and 16728 -- the mom holding baby is same as pregnant mom in image 1. Thank you!
Hi Can you make my son's icartoon similar to my recent? I believe it was order# 9398 APG4-FWM4-XQ2L? Same House etc but put him on the right side of the house, Be Sure to have the Realtor Pin on his lapel. Full Black Suit, White Shirt, Blue Tie, Black Shoes he has a nice strong upper body, lean build to him. If you can have him holding or using his iPhone (with the Apple logo) and then put the Real Estate Sold sign like mine on the left and change the phone number on the sign to his is XXX-XXX-XXXX (last digit is the only difference) . And lastly add a sun behind the house. Any questions please email me. Thanks!!!!!revision request
My son said you're right the eyebrow raised for the cartoon doesn't have the same effect. If you can make them match like so they look normal would be great. He loves everything else. Thanks!!!!!!!
Interior designer holding lots of architectural blueprints (see attached photos) and have a pull type briefcase beside me. I would be wearing a black pant suit with a flare on the pant legs, very modern and very professional. I am 6 feet tall my hair looks black but is actually a very dark maroon color (red) at the moment, this changes often!!! This will be used for work purposes to promote my design business. I love what I do and am a very happy person and I would like that to come across on the drawing. A business professional who is hip and modern and all about design!! Many thanks...can't wait to see what you come up with! Danarevision request
Hello, thank you for your efforts thus far, it is looking really good but I have a few recommendations if I may. Can you change the glasses, they are actually more kitty cat in shape and perhaps smaller as in the photo of me in the hat. I want them to really stand out. I am not 100 percent on the suit, I am not sure if it is the value, perhaps needs to be darker or the white shirt, I love black turtlenecks and would not be opposed to that being changed and if you could flare the pant leg more that would be great. I really want the over all image to feel super modern and mid-century mode(retro) more relaxed yet professional (I hope that made sense). Can you make my nose smaller, it feels huge to me in the drawing, thank you. Final request, thank you for your patience, if the blueprints could be larger that would be great! I can't wait to see what you come up with..you have a great talent!!!revision request
Thank you again for all your hard work. Final changes - I noticed that the glasses are not the same on both sides of my face. If you are looking at the photo straight on the frame of the glasses on the right is more jagged and the left is rounded and smooth, can we make both sides rounded and smooth. I am not happy with the suit, can you please make it darker black like the turtleneck. My nose and the blueprints are great. Please change lipstick colour to coral (peach) and the same for my blush, it is more me. Many thanks!!!! Danarevision request
Looks great thank you for making all the changes. Great work.....FINAL REQUEST....I sent an email but you must not of gotten it, my eyes are green not blue....any chance my nose could be a bit smaller too...I promise this will be it, I am super happy with everything....thank you for sharing your talents. Dana
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
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