Turn photos to caricature for every occasion. Wonderful to work with. Attention to detail in the caricatures. Help your vision turn into a reality!
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
Below you will see caricature examples that we've done for others. It's a great way to see our style, and get an idea how we turn your instruction or story into artwork.
Basically, you need to submit some photos and describe what you want to be doing in this drawing.
For face photo, we strongly suggest you to choose your best loved face expression photo, this is why smiling is always great!
Also, you can have some reference photos to describe the background, house, or car ..etc.
She loves Harry Potter so could the cartoon have a Harry Potter theme. Also her hair is remarkable, so could you enhance it more than is shown in the photo.revision request
I LOVE it!! But would it be possible to just make her hair curl a little at the ends? Blowing in the wind? Thank you
Draw my headshot onto the Jennifer Hudson photo. Incorporate the model(Jhud) hair, makeup and headpiece into the drawing.Background doesn't have to be included, but car does.My head size and complexion should reflect my previous pictures(ie 10091,10092). Leave out the gloves and sunglasses and make my nails red.
Hello. My name's Jason and I'm looking to do a bunch of cartoons here. This would be the first just to try this service out. I want to propose to the beautiful women in these photos (Brittany) and would love an assortment of photos that portrays some of our time together. The photo I supplied initially is of us at a roof top restaurant in Charlotte named "Fahrenheit". At some point I'd love to use all of our photos in some form of a timeline/collage but for now maybe we could approach this with just the cityscape at night w/ the firepit to the left (as a layer?) Hard to see, but I'm wearing a blue shirt and her dress is black w/ silver/white subtle artistic floral-like patterns on the front. Not sure the total resolution of the photo but the higher-res, the better since I'm not certain how I'd like to incorporate this in the end. Feel free to be creative here with the mindset that I'd like this specific shot to have a fun/happy/romantic feel to it. Thanks, Jasonrevision request
This looks amazing! The fire might be too strong/tall. What if it was not as tall and was just behind us and not curving to the side of me. Could you also make our heads just a touch smaller? If our heads are a separate layer, no worries to adjust. Also, if you’ve drawn more to the right/left (possibly more of a horizontal scene) feel free to send w/out cropping that out. If you are able to do that, and/or provide more of a horizontal shot w/ our full bodies, I’d be very grateful.
So this couple have had their first child, Leo Douglas Edrich, Born 13/8/2014 (please note english date format is not a mistake). I'd like a caricature of the couple holding their new baby, the baby's likeness is obviously less important fairly generic happy baby boy would be fine. Ideally capturing the babys name and time/date of birth (10:45 am) would also be good, Although she's a dancer and he is a theatre lighting technician I think outfits/hobbies are less important here and generic clothing would be fine, him probably in a navy blue t-shirt best reflects his dress sense and perhaps here in a white dress with small floral pattern reflects her.revision request
Hi, looking good so far. Can I ask that the lady's face be mirrored so she appears to be looking more towards centre. Can Her dress be coloured pale pink and the floral pattern be made more distinctive, i.e. darker colour (purple?). Can babys eyes be opened (I'm guessing they're blue) and can his hands be moved in front of him (more natural position), this might also lead to the head position / mirror needing to be adjusted. I'm not sure about the likeness of the male character but can't tell why, if there's anything you can do to improve the likeness that would be great. Many Thanks Germainerevision request
Hi, I like everything withthe exception of the likeness of the Male character, I'll send you another photo of the male character and perhaps you can see where I'm coming from. Regards Germaine
Dear iCartoon team, I would like to recreate my mam's and dad's wedding day!! It is their 30 year anniversary in few weeks. I would like my mam's and dad's caricature characters outfits to be the same as on their wedding day, see photos attached. In terms of pose, I would like them to stand and my dad putting a ring on my mam's finger. Maybe have ring magnified and flowers are must. There are pictures of my mam and dad young and as they are now, I think I would like to keep them nice and fresh on the caricature but not too baby faced please. Background scene: Find attached a picture of a caricature I found, I would like the same setting... nice blue sky and some greenery on the sides, I would like a red manor building at the distance. This is the manor building they got married in.revision request
Hi there, I love the cartoon. Everything looks perfect in my opinion. My sister thinks that my mam's face should be little longer and narrower to look more like she does right now. I think her face used to be quite round but now it is very skinny. Would it be possible to adjust it slightly please. Thanks. Kaarin
This is Sam. He is a professional magician. He performs magic for children as well as adults and also does juggling and a fire show. I would like to have this caricature on a stage with red curtains either side or behind. There is a particular illusion that sam performs that I would love to have included. Search Google Images for cube-zag I would also like his name to be on the caricature somewhere, it is Sam Beedle It would be good if one of his hands could have red balls in between the fingers as per the first photo I uploaded. Also, could sam have a playing card sticking out of his pocket or somewhere similar ? It need to be the two of clubs. If possible, I would really like to incorporate as much of what he does as possible. So Magic with cards, coins, handcuffs, mindreading, juggling etc. Any questions, please ask!revision request
Firstly, this is FANTASTIC!!!! Just a couple of small changes please :) There are two sets of handcuffs, could you please remove one and replace it with a balloon dog? Search Google images for Balloon Dog for plenty of images. Could you also add a thread with razorblades handing between his mouth and the hand with the red balls as per this photo - http://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/407844_XXX-XXX-XXXX239_XXX-XXX-XXXX07_n.jpg Lastly could there be some flames coming off the playing card he is holding? Not to obscure his face, but enough to look good!
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
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