Professional hand drawn service to draw cartoon from photos.
Easy to work with. Attention to detail in the drawings. Help your vision turn into a reality!
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
Below you will see cartoon examples that we've done for others. It's a great way to see our style, and get an idea how we turn your instruction or story into artwork.
Basically, you need to submit some photos and describe what you want to be doing in this drawing.
For face photo, we strongly suggest you to choose your best loved face expression photo, this is why smiling is always great!
Also, you can have some reference photos to describe the background, house, or car ..etc.
Please can I have the lady in the photo, dressed like Alice in Wonderland sitting at a Mad Hatters Tea party table drinking a cup of tea.revision request
Hi this is fab thanks so much!! Just a small revision in the hair, please can it be a lot darker and just a bit longer as I realised the photo was a little old. Ill email another one. Also if possible can you make her top half a bit more voluptuous? Thanks!!
I'd like a regal look for the pic. With a crown like a King. Just head and bust iCartoon for now please. Thank you.
I would like Alex's head on the body of Wonder Woman standing with her arms on her hips. Alex is 9 years old so she doesn't need to have a large chest. Just a normal looking Wonder woman thanks. Obviously she is sideways in the photo. I couldn't get it to rotate for some reason. I do not want a background or any props.revision request
I really love it so far but I did want her standing front forward with both hands on her hips. I also think her top lip needs to be a tiny bit bigger. It's is a bit thin. And could you make her lips a tiny bit redder please? Thank you
Can you please make a cartoon of me doing the bautista bat flip, in a blue jays jersey instead of white? Thank you !
I would like to have Aaron here looking like he is laughing into an old school microphone. I will attach a few other photos here that may be helpful.
Please cartoon the father and daughter image as is. thanks.revision request
hi guys. great work! but my teeth look like fangs! please revise ala original photo. i have emailed a photo to iCartoon Service <XXX@XXX.XXX> for the style of the background (ala iPhone screenshot) can u mimic this style but.. (1) top bar - change the word 'Virgin' to 'Happy Birthday Sweetheart' (2) top bar - lose the padlock image (3) top bar - change the bluetooth logo to a love heart (3) top - change '10:22' to '2014' (4) top - change 'Wednesday, 3 September' to 'Sunday, 21 September' (5) bottom - change 'slide to unlock' to 'Dad & Darcy' Thanks! regards, sebrevision request
Just one more little thing... Can I please ask for the '&' symbol at the bottom to be changed to a 'love heart' symbol. Then I'll happily pay and use your services again. Thanks again and great work, Seb
Hello. My name's Jason and I'm looking to do a bunch of cartoons here. This would be the first just to try this service out. I want to propose to the beautiful women in these photos (Brittany) and would love an assortment of photos that portrays some of our time together. The photo I supplied initially is of us at a roof top restaurant in Charlotte named "Fahrenheit". At some point I'd love to use all of our photos in some form of a timeline/collage but for now maybe we could approach this with just the cityscape at night w/ the firepit to the left (as a layer?) Hard to see, but I'm wearing a blue shirt and her dress is black w/ silver/white subtle artistic floral-like patterns on the front. Not sure the total resolution of the photo but the higher-res, the better since I'm not certain how I'd like to incorporate this in the end. Feel free to be creative here with the mindset that I'd like this specific shot to have a fun/happy/romantic feel to it. Thanks, Jasonrevision request
This looks amazing! The fire might be too strong/tall. What if it was not as tall and was just behind us and not curving to the side of me. Could you also make our heads just a touch smaller? If our heads are a separate layer, no worries to adjust. Also, if you’ve drawn more to the right/left (possibly more of a horizontal scene) feel free to send w/out cropping that out. If you are able to do that, and/or provide more of a horizontal shot w/ our full bodies, I’d be very grateful.
HI, I run a blog called the Brand Detective which reviews gadgets, Tech and new products. I have a logo I use currently but I want a cartoon version for my business cards - I need to have a Magnifying glass in my hand over one eye and possibly a laptop or other gadget in my hand my blog is at You can see at the top what I use currently so along these ideas but based on the attached image Outfit, casual/ geeky if you need to speak to me i'm on +XXX-XXX-XXXX69 Thankrevision request
Hi, just wondering how long a minor change would take. A smaller nose and slightly lighter hair? Sorry to be pedantic but think it will be fabulous - if these could be done today...? If not then I'll have to use the attached as it needs to be at the printers in 3 hours...thank you
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
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