We can draw anything from your photos. Easy to work with. Attention to detail in the drawings. Help your vision turn into a reality!
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
Below you will see caricature examples that we've done for others. It's a great way to see our style, and get an idea how we turn your instruction or story into artwork.
Basically, you need to submit some photos and describe what you want to be doing in this drawing.
For face photo, we strongly suggest you to choose your best loved face expression photo, this is why smiling is always great!
Also, you can have some reference photos to describe the background, house, or car ..etc.
This is for a 70th Birthday Cake, so perhaps a cartoon of her holding a glass of wine, giving "cheers". Above the picture it could read "Happy 70th" and underneath it could read "Cheers!!". I am doing this last minute so hopefully it could be completed in time. Thanks!
I would like a full body iCartoon of my daughter, it is her 18th birthday, I would like black and gold coloured ballons in the background, I would like a large number 18 included in the background in 3D block numbers, some fireworks exploding in background. I would like her positioned in a seated position in a wide fluted glass wearing a pink party style dress and black heeled shoes. I have included a picture of one of your designs as a starting point.revision request
Can I please have this changed to portrait instead of landscape, with less ballons and the 18 in three dimensional not on blocks, with the fireworks coming of the 18. Thank you Matthew Brown
40th Birthday Party Girl w/ Glass of Wine (red) in her hand Sexy Party Dress Petite Girlrevision request
Great start! This is going on a T-shirt so something more contained (no background - just props) We will be using this on a Cruiseship (Monarch of the Seas) so maybe a Life Preserver or something indicating a cruise? I like the one on your sample page with the birthday girl sitting in a glass (on page 1 of Celebrations sample page - top left) or something to that effect including maybe a life preserver. Also, maybe you can tweak the face a little more... doesn't really stick out as resembling her right now. Hair looks great, dress and body - perfect. Need this ASAP today, if possible!! Thank you SO much - Great work!!
The subject is turning 40 and is a policeman by trade, so I'd like to incorporate the "Hooters" outfit he is wearing in the photo with a few items that indicate he is a policemen (maybe a hat/handcuffs/batton etc). I'd also like to see some sort of celebration theme for his 40th Birthday, overall can be a bit cheeky!revision request
We've found out the subject doesn't want to be reminded he's turning 40 so could you please remove the celebration/40 background? If possible could you make his jaw a little narrower, put a police shirt on him over his hooters top but open so you can still see it, a police hat on him and holding a large gun instead of a batton. He was in a British unit similar to the TRG so can have him in an Armed Response Vehicle or use that for inspiration. Thank you!revision request
The subject looks great & I'm happy with the police uniform & accessories. If possible could you remove the "Hooters" background and just have a more simple/plain background. Can the "Hooters" logo also be removed from the police vest and instead could his vest/shirt be open to reveal the "Hooters" singlet underneath per the original uploaded photo? Thank you!!revision request
Thank you it looks great!! One final request though if you don't mind, could you please remove the Hooters watermark logo from the background so it only appears on his singlet? Thanks!
Hi! I'm wanting to have a color caricature of me with a background for a 50th birthday email invitation. What I have in mind is me ziplining without a helmet as the main focus (I have attached a sample of one with a man (but I'm a woman) I found that I like), and would like one or two alligators below because we're going to zipline over the Alligator Farm in St. Augustine. In one background corner in the distance, I would like the St. Augustine lighthouse (I have attached a couple photos) and in the other corner would like the Bridge of Lions lion (also attached), with water, trees and sky between the two - outdoor scene.revision request
I absolutely LOVE it, but just have a couple change requests! Instead of the little whole gator dancing on the water below me, I'd like to have a couple gator heads coming out of the water (that look threatening). Please look at the illustration on the website here (scroll down to middle of the page) of a gator coming out of the water to give you an idea: http://www.alligatorfarm.com/crocodilecrossing.html Lastly, please change the glass I'm holding. I don't want it to look like a wine glass, but instead a tropical drink splashing out of a long stem tulip glass with an umbrella in it, similar to the picture I sent with the first submission. Otherwise, I am thrilled and my compliments to the artist!! AWESOME JOB!! I will highly recommend this company/website to my friends!! Cindyrevision request
Awesome...love the gators! Just one last "tweek". The splash out of the glass looks like something is sitting on the rim of the glass. Please make it splashing a little away from the glass (like in the first rendering). Thanks so much!revision request
I'm thrilled...much better splash! :) You're going to cuss me, but please take the red liquid off my shoe and we'll be done!! Thank you so much!!
We would like to create a Music Band or Rock Band Scene. The photo is for corporate birthday cards, but something fun and funky.
There are six ladies all with lung problems Pat the birthday girl wanted to go in a hot air balloon for her big day but she can't because she is on oxygen So we thought we could get her this instead, with her and a couple of us in the balloon and a couple on the ground and the number 80 on the balloon Four in the balloon just head to shoulders Two on the ground they would have to be full body running a relay passing the oxygen bottle as the baton.revision request
First: Pam & Rob their likeness isn't quite right but I'm happy with everyone else Second :Can you add the oxygen tube to Pat & Mad so that it connects to the baton Third :Can you make the ladies in the balloon look a little older and add short sleeves to the clothingrevision request
could you please make the hair colour for Pam & Rob lighter and I will send another photo of Pamrevision request
can you please add the glasses to Pam thanksrevision request
can you please make the 2 on the ground smaller and the balloon bigger to put more focus on Patrevision request
Birthday should be one word
Occassion- 30th Birthday- need the words 30th Birthday included Sitting in a martini glass celebrating
-Subject should have glasses ON in cartoon -Subject should be seated in a Black convertible (BMW) with top down - Subject should have a Bacon Cheese Burger in his hand -Please have lots of other food items (pizza, bacon, burgers) and related wrappers piled up on seat next to him -Please have the background as the attached picture of the Asbury Park Palace. Car should be riding on the street in front. EXCLUDE all the barrels and construction signs. -He is a huge Bruce Springsteen fan. Please have the Bruce albums (and others if you have images) strewn across the back seat with the Born in the USA album as most visible. If you need more album covers, I can upload them. -Please have him wearing a white T-shirt with the attached Lauchpad Advertising Logo -Text: Scott is Hot at 50!
This will be for my Mother's 80th birthday. I want her zipping down a slide (prefer a curly yellow slide) in a park setting in the fall (sample attached of a park). (Her favorite thing is the Autumn change of colors on the leaves) . Wind whipping her hair. wearing jeans and an Alabama team tshirt (if you are allowed to do that). The three children are her great grandchildren, and should be cheering her on in the caricature. There is one picture of all three children together so you can tell their sizes. The little boy should be dressed as superman. The blonde girl with the blue eyes (she is wearing the light pink dress and you can see her legs in her picture I loaded) should be dressed as Cinderella. The little brown haired girl should be dressed as Tinkerbell. The theme for her party is "You are only as old as you remember you are!" She is the red head in all three wedding photos. Please contact me if you need more information. XXX@XXX.XXX
This is a drawing of my husband and his five children and is a gift for his 40th birthday. 1st image to be the main image (my husband) of a man holding a string of balloons in one hand and a cigarette in the other. The five remaining faces are to be small drawings (face only) inside the balloons. Ie one face per balloon. I am happy for there to be empty balloons if that makes it look balanced. One balloon to have the number 40 on it. Can the main image be full body. Please advise revised quote. Any questions please ask. Thanksrevision request
Looking great thanks! A couple of things, can the icartoon logo be somewhere where it is not obstructing the drawing...or does this get removed when final? Can the number 40 be bigger and the border around it be a little thicker. Also can the hair of the child in the blue balloon be a little bit blonder? The font for the name is not the same has the link i sent through, how do i send a picture of the font? Thanks heaps!!revision request
Looking great! is it possible to swap heads in the yellow and green balloons so the girl is at the top. Can the girl be a pink balloon? Can the font be https://www.google.com.au/search?q=fonts&client=tablet-android-samsung&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjvvuOK0qvKAhXF4aYKHfhGBRMQ_AUIBygB&biw=1280&bih=800#tbm=isch&q=fonts&imgdii=oCSFCnDvvOzoLM%3A%3BFrGpTs5bEVVh8M%3A%3BFrGpTs5bEVVh8M%3A&imgrc=FrGpTs5bEVVh8M%3A And can the 40 be the same colors and font as the name? Thanks heaps its looking great, let me know if you need anything clarified. Cheers sarah
Can I please get a cartoon of the two of them in a boat out on the water, like attached (doesn't have to show whole boat). Can I please get the boy in a kilt, image attached and holding a trumpet. Can I please get the girl in a white lab coat and holding a flute. Can the pose be something like the pose of another cartoon couple that I've attached. The expressions of the two can be the expressions on their individual photos. Can I please get a banner down the bottom saying Happy 21st Sam and Sophie.revision request
Everything is great except the faces. Can you please have another look at the faces on the photos and see if you can improve on the likeness. Happy with everything else. His face is a bit fatter, her face a bit more shaped.revision request
The necks don't look right. I think there needs to be no necks to make it funnier looking.
Please cartoon the father and daughter image as is. thanks.revision request
hi guys. great work! but my teeth look like fangs! please revise ala original photo. i have emailed a photo to iCartoon Service <XXX@XXX.XXX> for the style of the background (ala iPhone screenshot) can u mimic this style but.. (1) top bar - change the word 'Virgin' to 'Happy Birthday Sweetheart' (2) top bar - lose the padlock image (3) top bar - change the bluetooth logo to a love heart (3) top - change '10:22' to '2014' (4) top - change 'Wednesday, 3 September' to 'Sunday, 21 September' (5) bottom - change 'slide to unlock' to 'Dad & Darcy' Thanks! regards, sebrevision request
Just one more little thing... Can I please ask for the '&' symbol at the bottom to be changed to a 'love heart' symbol. Then I'll happily pay and use your services again. Thanks again and great work, Seb
I need a pose of the two people ready to go scuba diving, as in the third picture I have uploaded. Wearing wetsuits, fins, mask, snorkel, air tank and breathing apparatus. People to be stood on a beach on a paradise island with blue sea with a shark fin. This is a birthday gift, and will be printed.revision request
Hi there, It's looking nice, but could I ask for a couple changes please. Could the man's hair color be made more yellow. It looks a bit grey in the picture currently but should be blond. The hair style should also be a little messier and spikier. Also, could he be given a smile / happier expression. I'll send another picture of him as reference. His head also looks quite separate to the body at the moment. For the woman, could you change the shape of the leg on the right to make her look slimmer. Also, add a silver wedding ring to the ring finger on the hand she is holding out. Thanks you.revision request
Hi there, Sorry, but could I ask for two small changes please. Could you make the man's face look less fat. Could you put the lady's hand back the way it was, as the position looks more natural. Then add the ring to the hand there if you can. It can be subtle, just so we can see it is there. I'll send a picture to give you an idea of what I mean. Thank you, Tristan
This will be a birthday gift for the girl with the sunglasses on her head in all the pics. The visual should have both girls smiling while dumpster diving for furniture at the back of a walmart. One girl can be in the dumpster, the other girl can be hanging off the side of the dumpster. Both girls are wearing black fitted T-shirts that say "Susu" in white text. Both girls have long hair (hair color is in photos). The pig and cow from the game "puzzle craft" are sitting on the floor outside the dumpster. The text should say "Happy Birthday Susu!"revision request
This looks awesome! couple of edits though. Can you change the text at the top to say "Happy Birthday Sneaky Ninja Brat!" At the bottom of the art, can you put "These girls are on FIRE!" Can you switch the cow to sit on the chair and the pig to sit on the floor. Can you make the girls face with the black hair a little skinnier and less round. Can you place "2013" somewhere on the visual? Thank you, this is awesome!!revision request
Awesome!!! Can you make the text on the brick wall and dumpster look like it was tagged or spray painted?? Also, can you make the word "fire" look like its on fire? Thank you!
For my husband's 30th birthday, I would be so appreciative if you could create a portrait-style work in the likeness of a Mexican Bandit. I would like him to be clad in a cross-chest bullet belt with a poncho and sombrero atop his head. A semi-serious expression and three-quarter turn is preferred. I would like a more realistic head-to body ratio, similarly to the examples I have included. Please ensure he has a mustache.revision request
-I would like the image to resemble a portrait of a Mexican bandit (image attached. Please imitate the sample image as closely as possible.): - please have his face forward, nolonger 3/4 turn. - Not full body, just the top part of his body (torso, shoulders, head and hat) -Keep the mustache -Muted colors for the clothing (muted blues and reds are ok)-see attached photo example -No guns, just the cross-chest bullet belt
I would like to have my son Drake drawn as a Caricature (Big head, little body). I would like the "Toronto Skyline:" behind him and have him dressed in BLACK Skinny Jeans, AIR Jordan Retro 2 Sneakers (see photos) and a GRAY Tee shirt with the image you created for his 5th Birthday (which has a T-shirt of him wearing the image you created for his 4th Birthday). I would like to have both designs in this shirt to celebrate his 6th birthday. Above the skyline I would like to have "Celebrating 6 with my Woes" arched across the top of the image. I would like to have Drake's arm stretched out like he owns the town with the OVO owl on his shoulder (see photos). I would like to have "Happy 6th Birthday Drake"revision request
I would like the background to be BLACK and WHITE and make all the colors that are highlighted in the first draft RED. I would like to have Drake's arms stretched out more to make it look like a the letter "t". I would like you to change the font of the wording to something more edgy and change the color to RED. Also add the OVO Owl Logo (see photos) to the little bridge in RED.revision request
This is too dark, I want it BLACK and WHITE, not GRAY and BLACK. I would like a different FONT on the words. I will add more pictures to show the type FONT I want.revision request
I would like to make the following changes. 1. "Celebratin' 6ix with my WOES" use the Turtles.otf font, but I would like the "6"to be LARGER than the letters, so that it stands out. I dont want so much of an arch. Just slightly different than the original. I would also like the "Happy 6th Birthday Drake" to be changed to "Drake's 6th Birthday" using the Turtles.otf font. 2. Put the album cover 6 randomly on the bridge area (it was emailed to you) 3. I don't want that much red in the buildings (put red on just the buildings that really stand out.) What you currently have is just Too much red. 4. I want the "water to be gray and the bridge rails back to the original color. I want the OVO OWL on the rail the bridgerevision request
Still TOO MUCH RED in the buildings. I want the WATER AREA to be GRAY. I want the BRIDGE RAILS to be DARKER GRAY. I want the OVO OWL LOGO on the TOP RAIL OF THE BRIDGE. I want the OVO OWL Logo to be BIGGER. I don't want the OVO OWL LOGO on his SHIRT. I want the wording to say "CELEBRATIN 6ix with my WOES" and the "6" bigger than the letters. I want a SEMI ARCH in the wording, the current ARCH is TOO MUCH of an ARCH. I DON'T want the CDs (ALBUMS) so close together, I DON'T want them ON TOP OF EACH OTHER. Please add a BLACK watch to DRAKE'S LEFT WRIST.revision request
I would like to add LIGHT GRAY Cobblestone Bricks as the floor of the BRIDGE. The RED on the Buildings is almost perfect. I only want those buildings RED but I want the RED to be much brighter (like RED lighting), like the multi color lighting in the original photo. The CDs (ALBUMS) are TOO BIG, please make them a little smaller but still noticeable. Please ADD another BIG RAIL to the TOP of the BRIDGE RAILS (like the One in the MIDDLE). Please make the OVO OWL LOGO BIGGER. Please ADD a RED SIGHTSEEING binocular stand to the BRIDGE (ON Drake's right side). Please change the "Celebratin" to CELEBRATIN' and make "WOES" the same size as the "6". Please add something to the WATER area to make it look like WATER. Some little water waves are something. Also make it look like the SUN s SHINING in the BACKGROUND. ADD the SUN. PLEASE make the buildings look SHARPER. THANKSrevision request
Please make the SIGHTSEEING BINOCULAR STAND shorter so that it's not blocking the buildings and make it RED. Please make the BRICKS on the BRIDGE LIGHT GRAY, NOT White. Please make the RED on the buildings a SHINIER RED not so light like they are now. Make the RED Shine off of the buildings, maybe it will add the needed spark to the background. Please make the SUN look more REALISTIC, the current one is not what I want. The wording should be CELEBRATIN' not CELEBRATIN, make sure to add the apostrophe.revision request
I would like to change the WATER AREA to a really LIGHT BLUE color, even LIGHTER than the sky line. I would like to add "Views From the 6" Arched around the top of the SIGHTSEEING BINOCULAR STAND (see EMAIL). I would like you to fix the BROWN looking BRICKS and make them GRAY, see example on the picture I emailed to you. I would also like to add a picture to the top of the photo (see EMAIL) I would like you to draw this image in WHITE so that it blends with the skyline. Please fix Drake's LEFT eyebrow (see EMAIL).revision request
Please make WATER AREA a LIGHTER BLUE, make "Views From the 6" more noticeable (make by taking the outline away). Correct the picture in the top left of the order, make it more noticeable and add the "6" as shown in the picture I emailed to you.
The photo is of my husband and I would like to create a birthday invite for his belated 40th. I have a pic which I will attach (not of him, but of inspiration for the art work). I would like it if you could make him look like he's fishing, or just caught a big fish (but wearing nice clothes - boardshorts, thongs and plain tee. Wording: come and celebrate andrew's belated 40th birthday Saturday 25 August 2012 from 6pm 63 Beatrice Street, Bardon RSVP: Adriana - 0XXX-XXX-XXXX72 by 19 August 201revision request
Thanks for the revision - I'm impressed for a first cut! I will send through another photo of Andrew so you can more clearly see his facial features and amend the image. His hair is a little lighter and eyes very blue. Also, date for RSVP needed the 2 added to 201 to make it 2012. I'm no designer, but there is a lot of white space so might be better to make text larger & reverse location of address details and RSVP? Otherwise looks great! Thanks so much. Adriana
I want him riding the motocycle( pic attached), with a mug of beer in his hands and hooters restaurant as a background( place that will host the party). I want this write on it: Shh it's a suprise Come celebrate Brian's 30th Birthday We'll have cake,beers and wings..at Hooters of West springfield 1290 Riverdale St West springfield ma regrets only XXX-XXX-XXXX Millarevision request
Hi It's awesome just a couple things I would like changed.You guys do a great job.The plate where you wrote the address and everything,i would like that to be a harley davidson style with black behind the letters.He's face looks ok but when he was younger,she has more goatee than on that.He's also a muscular guy with muscle arms and legs,so i think you could be a little ticker.That t-shirt color would be better on black and also harley davidson.and could you please put the date and time for me on that? right after 30th birthday. will be July 8th at 2 P.M. If you guys need more pics of him for the face and everything i cand send you more. You guys are awesome. Thank you very much.revision request
You guys did what I asked but the face still havent change. He looks way too young. The eyes and expression need to show a little more of his age now. It looks just like him,but when he was 18. and hes about to be 30 years old. I really appreciate all the changes. I would really appreciate if you guys could send me this back as soon as possible instead of 3 days. because hes birthday is in last then a month. and i really need to send this invitations. Thank you guys.revision request
It's anyway I can have this sample and one without the " motor cycle birthday announcement?! So I just can't decide. Would be great 2 copies.
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
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