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$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
Below you will see caricature logo examples that we've done for others. It's a great way to see our style, and get an idea how we turn your instruction into artwork.
Caricature logo is to describe what actions you want the subjects doing in the logo. The cartoon created by the artist will show what your product or service is. No telling, just showing!
HI, I run a blog called the Brand Detective which reviews gadgets, Tech and new products. I have a logo I use currently but I want a cartoon version for my business cards - I need to have a Magnifying glass in my hand over one eye and possibly a laptop or other gadget in my hand my blog is at www.thebranddetective.com You can see at the top what I use currently so along these ideas but based on the attached image Outfit, casual/ geeky if you need to speak to me i'm on +XXX-XXX-XXXX69 Thankrevision request
Hi, just wondering how long a minor change would take. A smaller nose and slightly lighter hair? Sorry to be pedantic but think it will be fabulous - if these could be done today...? If not then I'll have to use the attached as it needs to be at the printers in 3 hours...thank you
Hello again. This is KARIBU, and we would like her name to be written under her cartoon like clouds if its possible. We would like her on a normal broomstick like a witch. She is a kids comedian and puppet player but her character is a witch. We would love it if the puppet was able to be on her back on the broom stick too...revision request
Thank you very much for your performance and sorry for my late answer I was out of the city... :) I would like little simple changes for this drawing of Karibu: - The Name is KARİBU not KARIBU :) The I has a dot on it... :) - On the orginal picture you can see the character has a black spot on her chin :) - Can you make the puppet holding to the witch(The finger cant be seen of the puppet) - Can you add a few bats around Karibu? - And for last is it possible to add a background colour? Or may be in a circle? Thank you very much...:)revision request
THank you very much for the great job... Can you make the K A R İ B U text closer as KARiBU. ANd for a last try can you put the purple puppet on the witchs hat holding on as same? Thank you very much..
Please find my photos for my caricature. I want to be wearing a blue chambray shirt; denim skirt, red western belt and red cowboy boots. I would like to be leaning, legs crossed, with my back against a sign, with my name rider BELOW the office sign and the SOLD sign above the sign. .revision request
I look better than in real life! I just need a bit of tweaking on that sign. Let's remove my name "Debra Hall" from the sign please. THANK YOU!
Can you please create a caricature of the woman in the photo provided to be like that of the sample from your site (image also provided). However could you add a sold sign to the image as well to be like that of the sold sign provided but replace the name Todlynn MacPherson with the name Sandi Lockhart.revision request
I will put complete revisions in an email to ben.revision request
Ill put revisions in email to Ben
I like the "sample" of the "Realtor" guy, leaning on a sold yard sign, holding a briefcase, dressed in a suit. I would like to see options though. My eyes are blue (whiskers not wanted) use either pic I would like to see REMAX on the sign...... I have a remax sign file if you cannot just change wording (or can't find one) I'll need formatted to use in a newspaper print ad (and maybe facebook cover
My husband as a pirate. (pic to follow) holding a chainsaw instead of a sword. A tattoo on his arm or a patch on his hat of our other logo (pic to follow) Red Beard's Firewood Co. above his head our phone number below his body XXX-XXX-XXXX A speech bubble that says - Arr wood is the best! I attached another photo for reference of the type of pirate we would like. What about copy writing.??? this will be our logo and I will want to use it as I pleaserevision request
Its a good start. But he doesn't look like a pirate. I uploaded a picture of a pirate that I wanted copied. He;s not wearing a jacket and there is not parrot on his shoulder.Theres not eye patch. I am not sure of the hat. Can it be re worked please??revision request
I like the hat and parrot. Could you please remove the Golden Landscape logo. He looks too nice. Can you open his mouth like he is saying Arr. Like the picture I sent you of the pirate. We would like him to look like more gnarly.revision request
We are getting there. I would like to change the font on the logo, to the same font as Metallica's master of puppets album. ( i know im a pain) HOw about he is kicking a piece of wood with his foot. and under our phone number could it say seasoned fire woodrevision request
The piece of wood looks like a pebble. How about a bigger piece of wood, like a log. The logo is the same, except you tilted it. Do you have any other fonts?? Like the metalica font I asked about yesterday/revision request
Ok almost done. Sorry I am being a pain, but my boss is not happy with this.I am contacting another person to help with the font etc. Could you make his beard red? Not Annie hair red, but somewhat red. Lets get rid of the speech bubble. And the chainsaw is too close to his head. Could the chainsaw be a little bigger?? Thanks so much
Hello again, This time I need an image for my blog which reviews fitness tech www.fitnology.fitness so I need the image of myself to be in fitness/ gym gear - full body looking muscley and fit and happy :) on the gym vest could my logo be added? I've uploaded below hair down is probably easiest - but possibly with a sweat head band on (unless it conflicts with the ear phones note below ...??) In each hand I would like a fitness gadget (iphone can be one of them looking like I'm on a fitness app? if it's hard to fit on the screen maybe some symbols around it to indicate an app ...) A fitness style watch on one side (chunky and tech looking) ear phones in, and for the other hand a dumbell or similar Thank yourevision request
Hello Looks good, could I have ear phones in though please as on the notes and something clipped onto a belt that looks gadgety (like a pedometer), and less of a forced smile and slimmer jaw .. The head looks a bit big currently. If I could change the shorts to leggings please with a black and white leopard print or similar that'd be great. Sorry I didn't specify that initially .. I'm not sure if this would work but could the fitnology logo fit into the headband? Don't worry if that's not possible Hope that's ok
The outfit will be a suit...I will upload the draft that I already have. I want the suit to be black with a Pick and purple striped tie, and a white shirt. The circle should go around him (or behind him) and have the caption "Uncloseted" below the bottom of the drawing and should go thru the frame of the circle. The font will be cursive (British Script MT) I will upload a similar picture. His facial expression should be wise but sassy (think that of a shrink/psychologist/Dr.Melfi. Please keep the pose of the drafted caricature and also the drink :) It is to be a martini w/ olive, neat :) We will continue to collab after the first draft. The background color in the circle is undecided...we can keep it white for now. Thank you!revision request
Additional description for order #14399'. This looks great! I thought it was gonna look a little more "cartoony" but thats ok. I was hoping you can make the background ring purple. Something about the positioning of the head on his neck seems awkward. Maybe the head should be moved to the left a tad bit.. Also, could we make the pink wrap around the cigar more, rather than sticking out. I has hoping the pose would look a little more relaxed, than upright...maybe he could lean a little more (almost to the effect that he is leaning back to raise his glass for a toast). Please give him diamond stud earrings. Thank you
Looking to turn this into a logo so maybe her body with one hand in the air. The drag queen needed is in the center of the logo. looking to have it look something like this - if you could make the logo id gladly pay more. Maybe even something smiler http://s3-media3.ak.yelpcdn.com/ephoto/CZlQ3B-X6cUDtx8NyZQogw/ml.jpg Paisley Parque inside the circle The Sex Kitten Show Down On the side - THANKS TO MUCH!!!
The photo of double USA Flags (with flag poles) is to replace the existing USA/Canada flags and flag poles on the logo Please use this image for the USA flag on the left side of the logo and then use the attached image of the Canadian flag to add to the right flag pole. Also, please use the flag poles as shown with the same color and round tips Please adjust the flags and flag pole positions so the main round center logo still fits similar to the one you created. the background behind the two flag image is NOT TO BE INCLUDED, I only want the two flags. Since the round logo you created will be a little small with these new flags, please make the flags a little smaller and/or have the flags start drooping from approximately half of the flags And would you please change the color of the existing blue in the logo to the blue in the USA flag so it matches..revision request
* Please fix the single outline line that is under the USA Flag. * Please adjust the stars on the USA Flag so there are 50 stars and they look like stars similar to the example I provided.. Thank you in Advance
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
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