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Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
Below you will see caricature examples that we've done for others. It's a great way to see our style, and get an idea how we turn your instruction or story into artwork.
Basically, you need to submit some photos and describe what you want to be doing in this drawing.
For face photo, we strongly suggest you to choose your best loved face expression photo, this is why smiling is always great!
Also, you can have some reference photos to describe the background, house, or car ..etc.
To be in wedding gown and kilt. Its for a first year anniversary gift. Funny poses perhaps groom flashing his bare bottom to wife like a true Scotsman. Background to be in colourful gardens (vivid colours please similar to bouquet), with racecourse setting in the distance and perhaps couple standing on a wooden bridge over water with a water feature in front. To include text: Happy 1st Wedding Anniversary xxrevision request
Please can you lighten the grooms right eyelid similar to that of the left as it looks like he is wearing dark eyeshadow. Can you remove the xx's after the word 'Anniversary' and change the text colour to perhaps black or a royal blue. Can the flowers in the garden section be more varied/multicoloured rather than just pink and yellow. Lastly, can the fence behind the bride and groom be the same colour as the bridge. Otherwise looks great, love the work. Thanks so much
I would like for him to be wearing the Spiderman costume and I want to be dressed as Mary Jane (A white button down shirt with a brown skirt girly). It would be great for him to be posed like if he was swinging from the web while I'm holding on to him (hugging). In the background there should be buildings (black and white background). This will be an anniversary present and I would like for it to say "Happy Anniversary My Hero! 9-23-11"revision request
I absolutely love the art work! It's wonderful. The only thing I'm asking is if you can make my skirt just a bit longer please. The entire thing is just how I pictured it.
Include text to say "Happy 1st year anniversary " above the picture and "The Mooney's 01 August 2015"revision request
Woman's hair should be blonde, not brown Please include "The Mooney's" on a separate line to " 01 August 2015" Baby's hair should be lighter colour and lips should be less pink.revision request
Please can you put less hair on baby's head. Baby has very little hair and is light /fair colour . Thanks!revision request
Can you please make the lips on the man less pink and less "girly". Also, can you make the man's smile slightly wider?
I would like the girl to have a white V-neck wedding dress (like in the real bride picture below). I want her to held by the man with her skirt gathered underneath his arm (like the picture with the bride holding the thank you sign. I don't want the dress to be dangling.) I want the girl's hair down with a white veil on and white shoes. I would like the girl's feet to be positioned like the picture of the bride tossing the flowers, and I would like her right hand extended like the bride throwing the flower, and she should be holding a tilted clapboard that says "Take 2" (like picture). The man should be in a black suit with a white shirt, black tie, and black shoes. Please add the slightly grey shadow at the bottom of our picture like in the last bride and groom picture below. This is for our vow renewal. No background scene please.revision request
It is scary how much the cartoon looks like my husband! Thank you so much because he looks great! However, the picture doesn't seem to capture my features. After showing it to several friends, they agreed. I am hoping that my face could be revised. I can send more pictures that may help add more distinct details if needed. I am willing to help in any way. Please let me know what I can do.revision request
Looks much better!!! Thank you! One more thing. After my husband reviewed it he wanted to see if his lips can be less pink (maybe the color of mine), and if a gold wedding band can be added around his ring finger. Can we also add white pearl earrings to my ears, a white pearl choker necklace around my neck, and make my hair shoulder length. That's about it. Thanks again!
walking down the street at night holding hands, wearing wedding clothes, she holds flowers, he holds news paper with "Happy First Paper Anniversary" headline news.revision request
resize artwork for 11 X 17 printing
This is for my 10th anniversary and vow renewal event. Husband: Nickname is "Pikins", he is a physician who is an avid golf player Wife: Nickname is "Godiva", she is a Nurse Practitioner who is a die-hard Michael Jackson fan! Theme of event is: Golf, Godiva & Healthcare Pose preferred: him ogling my butt as I am walking past, and he misses a golf shot (hope it's not too complicated).revision request
Love this so far. Here are some changes I ask: 1). Can my teeth be straighter, as I have corrected that open bite with braces 2). Can my butt look bigger with a little more hips 3). Can u straighten the left side of his bottom lip 4). Can u write "Godiva" across my chest, and "Pikins" across his 5). Can his stare be a little more obvious? 6). Is there anywhere on the diagram to add the hashtag: #PikinsGodiva10 Thanks
Dear iCartoon team, I would like to recreate my mam's and dad's wedding day!! It is their 30 year anniversary in few weeks. I would like my mam's and dad's caricature characters outfits to be the same as on their wedding day, see photos attached. In terms of pose, I would like them to stand and my dad putting a ring on my mam's finger. Maybe have ring magnified and flowers are must. There are pictures of my mam and dad young and as they are now, I think I would like to keep them nice and fresh on the caricature but not too baby faced please. Background scene: Find attached a picture of a caricature I found, I would like the same setting... nice blue sky and some greenery on the sides, I would like a red manor building at the distance. This is the manor building they got married in.revision request
Hi there, I love the cartoon. Everything looks perfect in my opinion. My sister thinks that my mam's face should be little longer and narrower to look more like she does right now. I think her face used to be quite round but now it is very skinny. Would it be possible to adjust it slightly please. Thanks. Kaarin
Dear staff This artwork is for my friends 30th wedding anniversary gift. As the 30th anniversary is the Pearl anniversary, I am hoping that you can draw the two of them inside a large pearl shell holding a pearl in their hands. I would like them to be dressed casually- woman in a red dress and man in jeans and a red shirt. As it is a surprise I only have these two photos of them that I can use so I hope they will do. Many thanks for your prompt attention. It is greatly appreciated. Deb Sent from Windows Mailrevision request
This is just gorgeous! Just a few small changes: Could the man's face be ever so slightly slimmer and instead of the couple holding the shell and the pearl could they just hold the pearl?? Thank you so much Debrevision request
Dear staff The likenesses are fantastic. The male is perfect! The shell and the holding of the pearl is perfect. The face of the female is perfect! From the waist down the female is perfect! Is it possible to change the artwork of the woman slightly? Could you turn the top part of the woman's body (from the neck to the waist only) towards the male instead of away from it. With the way it is at present the body appears distorted with the legs facing one way and the shoulders the other. Sorry to ask again Thank you Deb
This is a 35th Anniversary Gift could it please say "Celebrating 35 years together!" Dad: Formal Suit and Tie wedding Edwardian suit, with a flat cap on his head, holding a karaoke mike singing, could he please have patterned socks with open sandals (its a trade mark of his wearing socks with really old fashioned sandals!) Mum: In a birdcage veil, (dress as uploaded) holding a baking bowl as if stirring with wooden spoon and holding a book in other hand. Can we have her trainers showing please as if popping out of the dress. Many thanksrevision request
DAD IS GREAT THANKS, Could you please make mum a little more feminine she know how grey hair and is a little thinner round the cheek. I noticed you have put 'Wicked' on the cover which is actually prompts me to ask could you please put possibly either Top Hat or Singing In The Rain or Phantom of the Opera as the cover cause Dad and Mum actually saw those together. Lovely job all round its amazing what you can do. Thanks Natalie
We would like the words CAMP LEWIS ADRIFT and a cruise ship with the number 50 on it. We are taking an Alaskan Cruise (Celebrity Century is the ship) to celebrate my parent's 50th wedding anniversary. We would like just the black and white caricature so we can use it as a logo make t-shirts for all the grand kids. I have added more photos, we'd like them without the cowboy hats because of my dad's iconic bald head:)revision request
I LOVE IT! Thank you for all the amazing details. We'd like to make two tiny alterations if possible...Is it possible to make the 50 on the cruise ship into 50th (maybe slightly smaller) and also to simplify the font (something more sans serif?) and add the year to the writing "CAMP LEWIS ADRIFT 2013"revision request
Thank you for making the changes. I don't think I explained it that well as I was hoping that along with adding the 2013 which looks great:) I was asking for a less curly font, I don't really like the A and M all curly. Thanks again, the logo is amazing!
This is for a GOLDEN Anniversary. I would like a picture of my dad in his cowboy hat holding my mom- just like you have with the bride and grooms with a few hearts around them - use their faces from current day - maybe lighten the wrinkles -the one with cowboy hat (but i included their wedding picture too- so can get idea of dress and veil and tux) . I want my mom as a bride with a veil Dad in tux and cowboy hat with cowboy boots . A fun picture -in color. Thanks!revision request
Wow- my mom looks awesome! I am so sorry to ask for a revision, just a touch up. Can we lighten their eyes a bit? They both have hazel eyes- and my Dad's eyes esp look really dark. Also, can we make his lips a tiny less pink and mouth closed a tiny bit more. My mom looks so spot on...just something a little off about my dad and i can't quite tell...it may be that the pic i sent you, he looks a little tired. I am amazed at your talent!! Thanks!!
We are celebrating our parents' 50th anniversary. Ideally, it would be great to have to have a sailboat in the image with a "Happy 50th" on the sail. I also have additional photos of everyone, if needed. The anniversary couple should be the visual focus, whether it is size or placement. Casual clothes (shorts and tee/polo shirts) are fine. We strongly prefer a more cartoon-y style (less realistic and an emphasis on the line contours).revision request
Great job! This is really cute and you created good likenesses. Thank you. I have a few minor (I hope) revisions for you: 1. Please change the palm trees to pine trees. They used to sail on lakes, so the shore would be pine trees and pebbles. I didn't think to mention that - I'm sorry. 2. Could you remove the mole on the blonde guy's face? He's sensitive to it. 3. Could you make the eyebrows on Mrs. Anniversary less noticeable or thinner, and give her a slightly heavier eyelash line? Her brows are actually are almost invisible in real life, although they come out darker in photos. Just want to make her a bit prettier. Thanks again. This is lovely.
60th Wedding Anniversary for Hap and Wilma Day. The dog is their pet Stitches. Stitches has a purple collar and red heart tag. Background Location Heart Shaped like booths from their favorite restaurant Arturos. First picture lists all the people and preferred colors Hap and Wilma and Stitches - featured 60th Anniversary! Deb and BJ (oldest Daughter and wife) Angela, Rick, Mark, Megan, Lauren (middle Daughter, husband, son, son's girlfriend, daughter) Pris, Charlie, Tara, Eric, Skip (youngest daughter, husband, daughter, son in law, son Please do not use orange in garment colors. Thank you for making us look beautiful Fiesta atmosphere - Margarita's are our favorite drinksrevision request
OH MY WORD it is WONDERFUL!!!!! Just a couple of tweaks and we're good to go. 1.The 3rd guy from the left front row in blue shirt with guitar has light brown hair - not black. 2. The Girl on far right - back row with drink in hand has some bright blue streaks in her hair - can you add some blue color there? Thank you so much for your hard work. We are very pleased.
I would like them celebrating their 64 year wedding anniversaryrevision request
Can you put on there somewhere Happy 64th Anniversaryrevision request
can you please add a touch of gray to the ladies hair. Then it will be perfect. Thank you so very much. They will LOVE IT.
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
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$ 34.98Full body x 1
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