Wonderful to work with. Attention to detail. Turn vision into a reality.
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
Below you will see caricature examples that we've done for others. It's a great way to see our style, and get an idea how we turn your instruction or story into artwork.
Basically, you need to submit some photos and describe what you want to be doing in this drawing.
For face photo, we strongly suggest you to choose your best loved face expression photo, this is why smiling is always great!
Also, you can have some reference photos to describe the background, house, or car ..etc.
Hi icartoon.me team, The caricature will be used in our wedding invitation. Outfits: The girl will be wearing a wedding dress. Wavy blonde hair. The boy a light blue suit, no tie and no glasses. His hair spiky and asymmetric like picture attached with the suit. Expression: Smiling Pose: The bride to be holding the groom. We attach another caricature with the pose (no rose) Background: The wedding is taking place in Greece, on the beach, by mount Olympus. It would be great to have a background with beach and mountain.revision request
Hi, we love this! Just one question, what is this white thing in the background just above the groom's hand? Thanks, Dimitris
Hi, I'm the girl in this pic. This is for us to put in our destination wedding invites. We're getting married in Riviera Maya, Mexico, and want it to be funny! In addition to the photos of our faces, I've also attached a bad cartoon of Google images, that is kind of what we had in mind for scenery. Basically, we want a beachy background, that lets people know it's a beach in Mexico. We want him holding me in one arm, holding a cocktail in another, wearing a suit and maybe a sombrero. I can be in a normal ivory colored wedding dress (no veil) holding a cocktail or even maracas? Whatever works best, we're open to suggestions! The most recent picture of us is the one wear I'm wearing a blue sweatshirt, he's got glasses hanging on the front of is shirt with the neon sign in the background. However, in the photo, we don't want him to have a beard.revision request
Hi, I just saw the proof for my order, and it looks great, but there are just a couple changes I'd like to request: -The first is my boyfriend's mouth (the guy in the picture) doesn't really look like his when he smiles. Obviously I know this isn't your fault at all, because you don't know him, but I've emailed a couple more photos to see if there's any way we can get it looking more like him. From the nose up it's spot on! -Can you change my eyes (the girl in the pic) to green? I know that was hard to tell in the picture too. -Also, can we have him holding the maracas and me holding the cocktail? We just want to flip flop it. I think these are the only changes we would want! Thank you so much. I emailed more photos under my order number of my boyfriend that may help with his smile.
We are looking for a picture to use on our save the dates. The couples picture is of Adam and I but I got my hair cut so please use the hair style in the single shot of me. Also, we would like to use the picture of the proposal but if possible I like the red dress in the other cartoon picture. Also, this may sound really silly but Adam was in a bad accident a couple of years ago and so his left eye goes a little funny. Can you please make sure that is corrected in the picture. Thank you!!!revision request
Can I have a little bigger of an upper lip just a little please and can we also have a white background?? Thanks!!revision request
Could you please even out Adam's eyes just a bit, make his nose a bit smaller and upper lip a little bit bigger. Also if you could make my face a tad bit thinner. Thank you!!!!
laughing, cooking together. he is stirring the pot and I'm cutting the vegetables besides him while we're gazing into each others eyes. the background is a nice kitchen, we both dressed casually with a apron on. TEXT: SAVE THE DATE 11/08/15 Randy & Denise Pompano beach-FLrevision request
a little more weight needs to be added to Randy's body, He wants to be dressed with a white with black stripes polo shirt. Denise's nose is a slightly thiner, the size is perfect but I have a thin nose. Other than that, we would love to have the words on the bottom instead of the top. Thank you so much!revision request
Randy needs to be a little bit fatter and the letters bring back to the blue that was before.
We will use this art on our wedding invitation. Because he is a remodeler/painter, I want him on a ladder, painting a wall, and me, on the floor, on a wedding dress, trying to make him come down to get married. Our friends know I am always complaining about how much he works and this is gonna be a fun way to invite them for our official wedding. Thanks.
Wedding Invitation. Bride is a Liverpool football club supporter and the groom is a Manchester United football club supporter (English soccer team rivals). Maybe something humourous like waving a white flag to call a truce for the day. Bride is from Glencullen and Groom is from Dooyork if you wanted to include signposts etc.revision request
Hi, Thanks we are really happy with the image but we just wanted to make a couple of changes. Instead of "Truce?" Can you put - "Join us as 2 Reds become 1...." The font we want is Kristen ITC in Italics & Bold. And the white flag in the groom's hand can you write "Truce?" on the flag? The background is abit plain also. I had sent on a picture of the church we are getting married in or could you add sky or something to fill in the blank background? Thanks, Ruthrevision request
Hi, Thanks for the changes. Is it possible to change the colour of the church to cream instead of the greeny colour? We are happy with everything else! Can you also let me know what font you used so I can match it to the font I use on the inside of the invitation? Thanks, Ruth
This is for our wedding.. from rehearsal dinner invites to wedding programs:) So, I'd love for us to "look our best" as vain as that sounds HA! Like, not too much extreme feature enhancement, but still fun! I dont want to take away all the fun;) Most importantly I just want us to look super in love & excited! I'd love to my hair to be down, long, blonde, and wavy like the photos (bc thats how itll be then!). I'll be wearing a strapless white fitted wedding dress, and he'll be in a white shirt and khaki color vest and pants if that helps, too? I also included photos of the Key Largo Lighthouse that we are getting married at. (For the special request background option!) I'd LOVE to have our red & white checkered lighthouse in the background of us with the ocean/trees and whatever you think looks right! If you cant tell from the photos, my eyes are blue, and his are a tourquisey-blue-green. THANK YOU! CANT WAIT!
Want the wedding dance pose like in the gallery photos. The girl Laura with long blonde hair like in the single and the man Craig with a shaved head and goatee like in the single. Please add text along the top: We Decided On Forever. Please add text along the bottom: Save the Date * Craig and Laurarevision request
Please make the man's eyes blue (the same color as the woman's). Please make the woman's dress a light champagne color. Please make the man's flower a royal blue color. Thank you so much!! It is fantastic!
this will be for our wedding invitations. we would like to be the king and queen on a deck of cards but on the JACK of HEARTS (see images for ideas of king and queen. we would like it to be exactly like the jack of hearts (as seen in first card picture) but we would like to be side by side as seen on the second card picture with a heart in the middle of us aswell as the normal heart placement Also just like a jack of hearts we want a mirror image of us as well. it does not need to be the same size as a card as we are sending invitations via email.revision request
Hello, Thank you for this, but we want to change and add just a couple of things. Can we make both of our noses just a little bit smaller. Can you put the crown on just the male Can you make the bodies just a little more proportionate to the heads, so it does not look as squashed as well. Can you add in the 'J' and the other hearts, like on a jack of hearts playing card. Thanks so muchrevision request
That's awesome thank you. If we could now just be side by side so the bodies are overlapping. We would also like the arms in the middle taken out please. And the body larger still so that the heads are smaller in proportion to the body. Also, would you please change the color of the hat from red to gold/yellow? Thanks very much!revision request
Can we please change the hat back to red and can we hold champagne glasses in stead of the feather and the axe in hands on the top as well as the bottom please. Thanks so much, we promise we are done after that.revision request
One more thing... Please flip each body/head in the bottom image so that they are facing each other, and have the arms/hands/glasses further out from the body so that it looks the same as the top. Basically the whole of the bottom image exactly the same at the top. (Width and everything) Thank you
Hi there, I have attached an image of a pose which is similar to what we would like. I would like my suit to be navy instead of grey and also brown shoes. We would also like to include our 9month daughter in the pose. We would like her sitting on the ground with a little basket of flowers (something similar to the attached screen clipping). We would like her to be wearing a white flower girl dress with a navy belt. I have also attached a picture of the background we would like to use (obviously without the couple in the picture shown). This picture is of the Claddagh in Galway, We would also like to add the sailboat to the water that we have shown in the attached image. This is a particular type of boat known as a galway hooker. We would also like the following text written at the top of the page. The text can be a similar style as in the pose we attached. Please note my name is spelt Micheál and not Michael (e before the á) Aileen & Micheál Drevision request
Groom: Please lighten the skin colour of the groom slightly Add a little more stubble on top of head to define the difference between hairline and face Define his chin dimple more Turn Groom a little bit more towards the camera Bride: No Navy band on waist of wedding dress Baby: Hair longer to the front & flatter (No spikes) I will email picture. Change flower basket to something like the attached with red rose petal's flowing out on to the ground (You can change the initial's to A&M) I will email picture of the basket we would like Text Add the date of wedding below our names: December, 19th 2015 Thanks for your help :)
Date on vehicle - 16th Jan 2015 As per attached examplerevision request
Hi.. Thanks for this.. I love it! My only changes are that i need this pic to be 6 inch width and 8 inch height to fit our photo frame So i suggest a portrait pic rather than landscape The Date should read 16 Jan 2015 and also in RED text bold?revision request
Hi, Please leave the background as before i dont like this background and im not sure why the girl is half way up in the air. Portrait 6 inch width and 8 inch height please.revision request
Hi, Thanks for this. The final touch would be to reduce the emptiness of the drawing by probably adding the sun shining a bit on the top of the art work?revision request
Hi, Yep that looks much better Thanks! The only revision remaining is to reduce the back ground colour.. Could you reduce it to a more lighter shade of blue.. Very light. Thanks.
This will be used for a wedding. We are an adventurous couple who like camping out in the Australian bush. We love 4 wheel driving but sometimes get bogged in waterholes or creeks. Our little camper trailer even fell apart on a dirt road. If you could do up a comedy picture with us hanging / falling out the windows of our 4 wheel drive, doors hanging open or camper dropping bits all over the road. Maybe even driving through some muddy bog or climbing a steep mountain. The female likes to wear hats. But it would be great if we were in our wedding attire as well. Hope i am not asking too much. Text could include Chris n Michelle's Wedding 'May the Fourth be with you ... 2013'
save the date card, girl wearing a beautiful red long gown, boy a black suit, girl has long curly hair (don't make it too bushy, beautiful curls), both smiling, not to be too cartoony (NO distorted features, NOT a very large face compared to body), basically want to look pretty, The boy is holding girl in his arms, reference caricature (doesn't need to be exactly like that),revision request
The girl is proportionately larger to the guy (in the ref pic the girl is too short) so it has to be somewhere in the middle, The bust area is not right,it looks flat..the dress is going up the neck, want both the heads to be a little smaller and the face of the girl to be a little thinner, the hairline of the girl is messy especially around the ear & temple area, it seems that the girl has a tummy..looking fat, the placement of the guy's hand is not right..probably because the girl seems to have no waist, the face of the guy is good but not perfect, the girls hair need to be a little lighter color (more dark brownish than black), want the hair to have more light curls towards the tip , lastly the girl HAS to look HOT..Thanks!revision request
Everything looks good. Just one thing, can you please remove the hair which are coming on the girls ear, they are looking like sideburns. Also as I am zooming in and out, the area near the eye keeps changing, like one of the eyes is getting bigger and smaller, darker and lighter, probably because of pixelation. Hopefully that wont happen when you give the actual file.
save the date card 10-25-2014 Groom with ball and chain ..maybe drinking a beer Bride with keys in handrevision request
We want to have a 'yellow brick road' team. Our journey started when we meet in New York in 2003, then Stephen proposed last summer in Egpyt on a Camel infront of the Pyramids and we are getting married in Barcelona ina mansion villa. We are thinking a winding Yellow brick road starting from Left to Right, left being the beginning of our Journey (New York), the middle will have Pyramids, and the end of the road will be our wedding villa in Barcelona. Stage1: The statue of Liberty for Symbol of NYC and the statue holding a flag saying 2003! In the centre of the Picture we should be on a Camel with Pyramid in background and a big diamond ring on my finger. Clothing should be in Tucks and bridal dress. We also want our dog walking along side us in a proud troth with a tucks or tucks collar. At end of road a flag or sign saying BARCELONA and picture of villarevision request
Thank you so much. This is amazing. We only want one thing changed and think it would look better if we replace the villa with our church in Barcelona instead. I can send a couple of pictures which I will upload to our account of the church. Can we also have a flag on the church saying 2013. Thanks so much Aoife and Steverevision request
Thank you so much for the quality. We are so please! We just want to add one small thing and that is the wedding date to our flag on the church. Could you please add the following date: 20th August 2013 Thanks so much Aoife and Stephenrevision request
Sorry the date has changed for our wedding. The date will now be on the 19th August 2013. Please change this on the church flag and then we are good to go. Thanks again Aoife :)
We will use this caricature for our wedding invitation. I wanted something exactly like this one (but with our faces, obviously): http://www.google.com.br/imgres?q=convite+de+casamento&start=186&um=1&hl=pt-BR&sa=N&tbo=d&biw=1366&bih=664&tbm=isch&tbnid=6VUaGgHaYwCQlM:&imgrefurl=http://belohorizonte.olx.com.br/caricaturas-personalizadas-para-convites-de-casamento-iid-XXX-XXX-XXXX07&docid=IbSyF1BTFwbV9M&imgurl=http://images04.olx.com.br/ui/11/98/07/1XXX-XXX-XXXX97_XXX-XXX-XXXX07_1-Fotos-de--Caricaturas-personalizadas-para-convites-de-casamento.jpg&w=625&h=484&ei=suX1UM-VMMeZ0QWuxIC4Cw&zoom=1&iact=hc&dur=1224&sig=11XXX-XXX-XXXXXXX-XXX-XXXX46&page=8&tbnh=142&tbnw=184&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:200,i:16&tx=84&ty=129&vpx=944&vpy=190&hovh=197&hovw=255 No background scene or text is necessary. PS: My hair (Vanessa) is a bit longer now! It is now right under my chin (just as in the picture with purple cardigan and holding an yellow sign).
The main faces are going to be the picture of the American guy and girl. The position I want them in is like the position with the pic of JayZ with his arm around Beyonce, in sitting. I'd like the girl to have her hand up like the asian girl in the picture with the 2 people standing, showing off the ring that is on the american girl's finger with the hat. I'd like the guy to be wearing the "Brooklyn" jersey, with the gold chains around his neck but still visible to see brooklyn. I'd like the NY hat on his head slightly cocked to the side. The girl should be wearing the black outfit that Beyonce is wearing where she's holding the microphone and the hat that the american girl is wearing. I'd like the two dogs in the picture in the lower half of the picture caricature, laying on the couples lap. And then along the top of the picture in a rainbow form, if the following words can be typed: "I Live So I Can Die With You" And then below that, the darevision request
I love it. If we can just make a few changes. Instead of arching the "i live so I can die with you" can we must make it horizontal. Then below that, can the date "September 5, 2015 be added. Can we also put a silver wedding band around his left hand ring finger (i'll send a pic of it) get rid of the "shine" around her ring. And just have her R arm rest on the dog on her lap instead of pointing to her finger. Thanks so much!
I want a caricature for use on a wedding invitation. Please show us both standing in front of the venue (picture of venue attached) holding champagne flutes. Groom wearing a navy blue 3 piece wedding suit. Bride wearing a wedding dress Maybe include a small signpost beside us pointing the way to the venue "Middleton Park House".revision request
Thanks for this. It is really excellent work. I love it. I have some small changes to request: 1) Could I ask you to change the color on the groom's face to make it less tan/dark (more white). Could you make his face a shade lighter than the bride? 2) Can you change the color of the grooms tie to purple instead of pink. 3) And in the sign post can you change the text from “Middleton Park” to “Middleton Park House” (if you need to make the font size smaller to do this then please do so). Thanks Barry
Hello, we need an artwork to put it in our wedding invitations. Me dressed as a bride (white dress with veil) and John dressed as groom (light grey waistcoat & trousers and white shirt). We would like to be on a red jet ski, leaving behind us an island with only one church on it (the photos of the church will be sent to you although you don't need to draw the exact one - just to be a white church) and going in front of us to another island (just show there a beach like the one that we will send you). I'm going to upload more photos of us..we are not very photogenic, so please do your best!!revision request
Hello, the artwork is fantastic, exactly as we wanted it, only one change please. If you could do John's hair shorter (his recent haircut is like the other picture that is cut very short). I'm so sorry, it was my mistake that I didn't say that from the beginning. Apart from the hair please keep everything else exactly the same. Thank you. Peny
This will be used for our wedding invitation. have us ride a top down Cadillac - El Dorado Model... The background is the Church as shown in the picture. My wife should be holding a bouquet of Pitch colored roses... I am suppose to wear a tuxedo. Please attach our names.... JAY and DYANrevision request
I like the outpu... thank you. Please put JAY AND DYAN like a sand marking... instead of Jay and Dyan, please write: Jay and Dyan Wedding Barasoain Church, Malolos, Bulacan Philippines March 21, 2015
Would like the picture to show us as a wedding couple (Bride & Groom) with the groom driving a UK ambulance, head out of window wearing a dark silver suit and purple tie with the bride running beside wearing full wedding dress with purple running shoes and carrying a purple bouquet. We can't find an up to date photo of the bride (closest shows shoulder length hair but no fringe) but the only difference is the hair is shoulder length, dark brown with 1 silver streak down the side and with a full fringe, face slightly thinner. Can you put text of:- Paul & Amanda 01-08-2014. Hopefully this is enough for you to work with?
Full illustration of bride and groom riding a tandem bicycle I have attached a few mood images I'm looking for I'm thinking of the groom riding at the front of the tandem in full traditional wedding outfit (prince edward 3/4 length suit (http://www.jackbunneys.co.uk/cambridge_Edward_hire.htm)) The bride on the back of the tandem wearing a traditional white wedding dress. The bride with both feet off the pedals, legs straight (tandem.jpg), maybe waving and throwing a bouquet of flowers into the air. Tin cans tied to the back of the tandem with string. Big smiles, fun, happy. Transparent background layer (or hex RGB #A6C0C5; /* teal */) I intend to use the illustrations on the wedding website that I have put together (http://wedding.urry.me) The bride and groom tandem image should be landscape. I don't really mind what the dimensions are but I intend to include it in the banner of the website in-between the texts "Sarah 'heart' Jonny" and "are get
princess like wedding dress and veil fot the bride Weeding suit fot the men Each one should be holding half of a heart that can then came together the heart should be red the cartoons are to use on a weeding invitation that looks like to the picture attachedrevision request
Hi thank you very much for your work it looks lovely. Just one little thing. The bride and the groom can't be together on the cartoon. So if you could leave a gap of about 1 cm between the half hearts. This is then to be used the groom on one side of the invitation and the bride on another. However when pulling something to read the actual invitation they come together (that's why it needs to complement) If you need a picture of what the invitation is going to look like Please look at http://www.google.co.uk/url?source=imglanding&ct=ref&q=http://produto.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-XXX-XXX-XXXX40-convite-de-casamento-encontro-personalizado-pacote-com-10-un-_JM&sa=X&ei=w_XCUc3JNcnhOo_VgagE&ved=0CGUQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNEdpoGioaeQ73C3CIqJDJlAfVAO8Q. Appart from that looks fantastic thank you very much. Vanessa
outfits: casual jeans and what we have on in the picture for tops occasion: save the date - September 28, 2013 Text: Tommy and Nina - September 28, 2013 Background Scene - Refer to picture uploaded with no cars. Its the west village NYC fall season. Please make my ring overly large! Both of our eyes are brown. The image of us came out too warm. Please do more natural skin tones. Can you add us toasting champagne. Thank you
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
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