We can draw anything from your photos. Easy to work with. Attention to detail in the drawings. Help your vision turn into a reality!
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
Below you will see caricature examples that we've done for others. It's a great way to see our style, and get an idea how we turn your instruction or story into artwork.
Basically, you need to submit some photos and describe what you want to be doing in this drawing.
For face photo, we strongly suggest you to choose your best loved face expression photo, this is why smiling is always great!
Also, you can have some reference photos to describe the background, house, or car ..etc.
She loves Harry Potter so could the cartoon have a Harry Potter theme. Also her hair is remarkable, so could you enhance it more than is shown in the photo.revision request
I LOVE it!! But would it be possible to just make her hair curl a little at the ends? Blowing in the wind? Thank you
The subject is turning 40 and is a policeman by trade, so I'd like to incorporate the "Hooters" outfit he is wearing in the photo with a few items that indicate he is a policemen (maybe a hat/handcuffs/batton etc). I'd also like to see some sort of celebration theme for his 40th Birthday, overall can be a bit cheeky!revision request
We've found out the subject doesn't want to be reminded he's turning 40 so could you please remove the celebration/40 background? If possible could you make his jaw a little narrower, put a police shirt on him over his hooters top but open so you can still see it, a police hat on him and holding a large gun instead of a batton. He was in a British unit similar to the TRG so can have him in an Armed Response Vehicle or use that for inspiration. Thank you!revision request
The subject looks great & I'm happy with the police uniform & accessories. If possible could you remove the "Hooters" background and just have a more simple/plain background. Can the "Hooters" logo also be removed from the police vest and instead could his vest/shirt be open to reveal the "Hooters" singlet underneath per the original uploaded photo? Thank you!!revision request
Thank you it looks great!! One final request though if you don't mind, could you please remove the Hooters watermark logo from the background so it only appears on his singlet? Thanks!
No hair on forehead - pull it back off her face - carrying loads of coloured shopping bags (see photo) in both hands and more on the ground on each side of her with a football (see photo) further to the right on the ground. Wearing black leather skinny trousers (see photo) and top (see photo - change turquoise colour to lilac) and black high-heeled sandals (see photo). Background: New York skyline (see photo - add some pink/red colour to make a nice sunset).revision request
Her hair should be flatter on her head and should be a lighter colour (blonde highlights through it) - see original photo.
Hello. My name's Jason and I'm looking to do a bunch of cartoons here. This would be the first just to try this service out. I want to propose to the beautiful women in these photos (Brittany) and would love an assortment of photos that portrays some of our time together. The photo I supplied initially is of us at a roof top restaurant in Charlotte named "Fahrenheit". At some point I'd love to use all of our photos in some form of a timeline/collage but for now maybe we could approach this with just the cityscape at night w/ the firepit to the left (as a layer?) Hard to see, but I'm wearing a blue shirt and her dress is black w/ silver/white subtle artistic floral-like patterns on the front. Not sure the total resolution of the photo but the higher-res, the better since I'm not certain how I'd like to incorporate this in the end. Feel free to be creative here with the mindset that I'd like this specific shot to have a fun/happy/romantic feel to it. Thanks, Jasonrevision request
This looks amazing! The fire might be too strong/tall. What if it was not as tall and was just behind us and not curving to the side of me. Could you also make our heads just a touch smaller? If our heads are a separate layer, no worries to adjust. Also, if you’ve drawn more to the right/left (possibly more of a horizontal scene) feel free to send w/out cropping that out. If you are able to do that, and/or provide more of a horizontal shot w/ our full bodies, I’d be very grateful.
Dear iCartoon team, I would like to recreate my mam's and dad's wedding day!! It is their 30 year anniversary in few weeks. I would like my mam's and dad's caricature characters outfits to be the same as on their wedding day, see photos attached. In terms of pose, I would like them to stand and my dad putting a ring on my mam's finger. Maybe have ring magnified and flowers are must. There are pictures of my mam and dad young and as they are now, I think I would like to keep them nice and fresh on the caricature but not too baby faced please. Background scene: Find attached a picture of a caricature I found, I would like the same setting... nice blue sky and some greenery on the sides, I would like a red manor building at the distance. This is the manor building they got married in.revision request
Hi there, I love the cartoon. Everything looks perfect in my opinion. My sister thinks that my mam's face should be little longer and narrower to look more like she does right now. I think her face used to be quite round but now it is very skinny. Would it be possible to adjust it slightly please. Thanks. Kaarin
Draw my headshot onto the Jennifer Hudson photo. Incorporate the model(Jhud) hair, makeup and headpiece into the drawing.Background doesn't have to be included, but car does.My head size and complexion should reflect my previous pictures(ie 10091,10092). Leave out the gloves and sunglasses and make my nails red.
We want to create an amusing illustration as a retirement gift to our CEO. We are the sales management team, and Ken (first photo uploaded) is the retiring CEO. Background - boardroom. Scenario - Brian and Ruth are at the flip chart presenting a graph. Ken is at the head of the table watching sterning. He has a piece of paper in front of him with title "Proposal for Approval" on it. He has a stamp in his hand marked "KWI" (this is an internal joke, stands for "Ken Wants It") and is holding it over the piece of paper. The other 3 people (Karen, Paul and Truus) are sitting at the table nervously watching and hoping Ken will stamp the paper. We'd like thought bubbles on top of each person that we can add some humorous thoughts to. We'd like full body "business" characters. Please email me or call me at XXX-XXX-XXXX for more info/clarification.revision request
Hi, we LOVE this !!! I do have some minor revision requests please: 1. Ken's hair should be lighter. It should be a light brown/grey colour. 2. Ken's stamp should read: K.W.I. (not "approved") 3. Please remove the thought bubbles. We will add them ourselves to the jpeg. 4. Please move the chart a bit higher so we have more room to add Paul's thought bubble. 5. Please create more room between Ruth and Truus so we can add Truus's thought bubble without covering up so much of Ruth. Thank you!!! Karen
I would like to have my son Drake drawn as a Caricature (Big head, little body). I would like the "Toronto Skyline:" behind him and have him dressed in BLACK Skinny Jeans, AIR Jordan Retro 2 Sneakers (see photos) and a GRAY Tee shirt with the image you created for his 5th Birthday (which has a T-shirt of him wearing the image you created for his 4th Birthday). I would like to have both designs in this shirt to celebrate his 6th birthday. Above the skyline I would like to have "Celebrating 6 with my Woes" arched across the top of the image. I would like to have Drake's arm stretched out like he owns the town with the OVO owl on his shoulder (see photos). I would like to have "Happy 6th Birthday Drake"revision request
I would like the background to be BLACK and WHITE and make all the colors that are highlighted in the first draft RED. I would like to have Drake's arms stretched out more to make it look like a the letter "t". I would like you to change the font of the wording to something more edgy and change the color to RED. Also add the OVO Owl Logo (see photos) to the little bridge in RED.revision request
This is too dark, I want it BLACK and WHITE, not GRAY and BLACK. I would like a different FONT on the words. I will add more pictures to show the type FONT I want.revision request
I would like to make the following changes. 1. "Celebratin' 6ix with my WOES" use the Turtles.otf font, but I would like the "6"to be LARGER than the letters, so that it stands out. I dont want so much of an arch. Just slightly different than the original. I would also like the "Happy 6th Birthday Drake" to be changed to "Drake's 6th Birthday" using the Turtles.otf font. 2. Put the album cover 6 randomly on the bridge area (it was emailed to you) 3. I don't want that much red in the buildings (put red on just the buildings that really stand out.) What you currently have is just Too much red. 4. I want the "water to be gray and the bridge rails back to the original color. I want the OVO OWL on the rail the bridgerevision request
Still TOO MUCH RED in the buildings. I want the WATER AREA to be GRAY. I want the BRIDGE RAILS to be DARKER GRAY. I want the OVO OWL LOGO on the TOP RAIL OF THE BRIDGE. I want the OVO OWL Logo to be BIGGER. I don't want the OVO OWL LOGO on his SHIRT. I want the wording to say "CELEBRATIN 6ix with my WOES" and the "6" bigger than the letters. I want a SEMI ARCH in the wording, the current ARCH is TOO MUCH of an ARCH. I DON'T want the CDs (ALBUMS) so close together, I DON'T want them ON TOP OF EACH OTHER. Please add a BLACK watch to DRAKE'S LEFT WRIST.revision request
I would like to add LIGHT GRAY Cobblestone Bricks as the floor of the BRIDGE. The RED on the Buildings is almost perfect. I only want those buildings RED but I want the RED to be much brighter (like RED lighting), like the multi color lighting in the original photo. The CDs (ALBUMS) are TOO BIG, please make them a little smaller but still noticeable. Please ADD another BIG RAIL to the TOP of the BRIDGE RAILS (like the One in the MIDDLE). Please make the OVO OWL LOGO BIGGER. Please ADD a RED SIGHTSEEING binocular stand to the BRIDGE (ON Drake's right side). Please change the "Celebratin" to CELEBRATIN' and make "WOES" the same size as the "6". Please add something to the WATER area to make it look like WATER. Some little water waves are something. Also make it look like the SUN s SHINING in the BACKGROUND. ADD the SUN. PLEASE make the buildings look SHARPER. THANKSrevision request
Please make the SIGHTSEEING BINOCULAR STAND shorter so that it's not blocking the buildings and make it RED. Please make the BRICKS on the BRIDGE LIGHT GRAY, NOT White. Please make the RED on the buildings a SHINIER RED not so light like they are now. Make the RED Shine off of the buildings, maybe it will add the needed spark to the background. Please make the SUN look more REALISTIC, the current one is not what I want. The wording should be CELEBRATIN' not CELEBRATIN, make sure to add the apostrophe.revision request
I would like to change the WATER AREA to a really LIGHT BLUE color, even LIGHTER than the sky line. I would like to add "Views From the 6" Arched around the top of the SIGHTSEEING BINOCULAR STAND (see EMAIL). I would like you to fix the BROWN looking BRICKS and make them GRAY, see example on the picture I emailed to you. I would also like to add a picture to the top of the photo (see EMAIL) I would like you to draw this image in WHITE so that it blends with the skyline. Please fix Drake's LEFT eyebrow (see EMAIL).revision request
Please make WATER AREA a LIGHTER BLUE, make "Views From the 6" more noticeable (make by taking the outline away). Correct the picture in the top left of the order, make it more noticeable and add the "6" as shown in the picture I emailed to you.
Please find my photos for my caricature. I want to be wearing a blue chambray shirt; denim skirt, red western belt and red cowboy boots. I would like to be leaning, legs crossed, with my back against a sign, with my name rider BELOW the office sign and the SOLD sign above the sign. .revision request
I look better than in real life! I just need a bit of tweaking on that sign. Let's remove my name "Debra Hall" from the sign please. THANK YOU!
My husband as a pirate. (pic to follow) holding a chainsaw instead of a sword. A tattoo on his arm or a patch on his hat of our other logo (pic to follow) Red Beard's Firewood Co. above his head our phone number below his body XXX-XXX-XXXX A speech bubble that says - Arr wood is the best! I attached another photo for reference of the type of pirate we would like. What about copy writing.??? this will be our logo and I will want to use it as I pleaserevision request
Its a good start. But he doesn't look like a pirate. I uploaded a picture of a pirate that I wanted copied. He;s not wearing a jacket and there is not parrot on his shoulder.Theres not eye patch. I am not sure of the hat. Can it be re worked please??revision request
I like the hat and parrot. Could you please remove the Golden Landscape logo. He looks too nice. Can you open his mouth like he is saying Arr. Like the picture I sent you of the pirate. We would like him to look like more gnarly.revision request
We are getting there. I would like to change the font on the logo, to the same font as Metallica's master of puppets album. ( i know im a pain) HOw about he is kicking a piece of wood with his foot. and under our phone number could it say seasoned fire woodrevision request
The piece of wood looks like a pebble. How about a bigger piece of wood, like a log. The logo is the same, except you tilted it. Do you have any other fonts?? Like the metalica font I asked about yesterday/revision request
Ok almost done. Sorry I am being a pain, but my boss is not happy with this.I am contacting another person to help with the font etc. Could you make his beard red? Not Annie hair red, but somewhat red. Lets get rid of the speech bubble. And the chainsaw is too close to his head. Could the chainsaw be a little bigger?? Thanks so much
On bicycle (see photo - remove basket) with shopping bag (see photo - remove writing) hanging on handlebar of bicycle with head of tennis racket (see photo) sticking out. Football (see photo) on back carrier and musical notes (see photo) coming out of the back of the bike. Wearing Man. Utd. jersey (see photo), black trousers and black shoes (see photo). Background: Lake Misurina (see photo).revision request
1. The bicycle doesn't have a bar going across from the sandal - it just has two bars parallel to each other on an angle - move the second bar on a slant parallel to the other one - see original photo. 2. The musical notes are the wrong way around - see photo. 3. Only a small part of the mountain should be white. The rest should be dark grey with a jagged top - see photo.
I want my body wearing a black pinstripe suit with a red tie, riding on the wall street bull, down wall street, knocking over a street full of bears, with a wake of $100 dollar bills in the wake. The expression on my face should be similar to a person riding a bull at full tilt. There should be details in the sky scrapers, and body parts of the bears behind the bull. In the picture the bull should be in the immediate foreground lower right, the bulls head pointed down and tilted right a little more exaggerated to the photo with the right horn impacting a rearing bear.revision request
This looks great however, I wanted $100 dollar bills as in currency, paper notes, not a bill you would pay someone. Lastly, if possible can you make the bulls and bears look meaner, less fluffy and nice teady bearrevision request
Remove the cowboy hat and we are good to go, looks great!!!
1) Background- I would like the background to be a tobacco farm. 2) Every character is to be a superhero. Please use: First photo- Superwoman flexing her biceps. PLEASE MAKE HER THE CENTRAL CHARACTER Second photo- Batman holding a bag of money Third- Robyn (in Batman's sidecar) Fourth- Spiderman Fifth- Ironman Sixth- Batgirl Seventh- Cat woman Eight- Xena warrior princess (if you can) (In the back) Ninth- Superman (In the back) Tenth- Any male superhero (In the back) Eleventh - Wonder woman (In the back) Twelfth - A super hero carrying a Cosmopolitan (in the back) 3) Text- Can we have text at the bottom saying "Goobye and Good luck Superwoman!"revision request
Hi! This looks fantastic!! Only one small revision. The lady in the back is reading a Cosmopolitan magazine, however I wanted her to be holding a Cosmopolitan cocktail. (A pink drink in a martini glass). And then it will be PERFECT! Many thanks.
revision request
That's really great! Just a few things… You probably can't see in the photo but we are both wearing gumboots! I'd prefer my lips to be the same colour as Brad's other than that the pic of me is perfect. Brad has stubble not really a moustache and his smile looks a bit funny so maybe less of a smile, just a slight smile like in one of the photo's I sent you. That's it, great stuff !!!
Looks just like you, sometimes even better!
$ 23.88Head & Bust x 1
$ 34.98Full body x 1
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